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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - The Emperor

Jun 17, 2016

Keyword: Autonomy Song: "Me Myself I," by Joan Armatrading

Here, there's The Emperor sitting in his throne decorated with rams. He holds an Ankh scepter in his right hand. His throne is atop a mountain peak.

His beard is long and white, a sign of age and wisdom. In fact, The Emperor is the best person to go for practical advice on being independent.

He's been there, and done that. Sometimes, many times over!

Why would you go to such an imposing figure for advice? Isn't rather scary and off-putting?

He appears that way at first glance, sure! But, look closer.

Check out his eyes. There's a steely glint and a bit of skepticism.

The Emperor isn't a power-hungry individual. Far from it! He's let caution ride shotgun with him for many a journey and war.

This, more than any other quality, has kept him alive and well. He's brave without being reckless. He's confident without being cocky.

There's no one better to go to for advice, really. True, he's not a kindly grandfather figure, but no one is perfect.

And to sugarcoat things would be to lie about them to spare feelings. That's never been in his best interest. Lying about things can make things much, much worse faster than you can blink.

He's honest, brutally so, now. That wasn't always so, though.

In his youth, he fell victim to sparing harsh realities for "delicate sensibilities." And his lies of omission have cost him dearly. Lost loves, lost lives, lost time being himself.

Now, though, he simply is his authentic self to everyone. And he has never been happier, nor have his subjects been more content!

While the youngest subjects get carried away by the hottest trends, The Emperor watches. He remembers fondly what that was like, to chase fleeting statuses.

When he appears to you, The Emperor's message is one of cautious action. He says, "To know something, you must do it! Wait for no one and be the mistress or master of your life today."

Today, embrace your inner Emperor. Be the skeptical ruler of your own story. Take back your personal power!

How? By gathering your strengths together. By making a waterproof, battle-proof and timeless plan of attack, or action.

What if you haven't a clue how to do that? Find an elder who knows. Get solid, actionable advice.

Do it for yourself. Do it for future generations. Do it to know you can!

The Emperor is confident in his abilities. Why? Because he has road-tested them again and again.

Get out there and do some fearless living! Yes, "You Yourself". Do your own road-testing.

Make mistakes. Start over. Pick yourself up by your bootstraps and forge on.

Try things you've never tried! Do things you've never done.

Your goal could be to fill your own There and Back Again tale like Frodo and Bilbo Baggins both did.

Have experiences and make lasting memories today. So that, one day when you're as old as The Emperor, you'll have exciting tales to tell young ones.

You don't have to do any of this alone either. Grab some friends, family and make beautiful experiences together!

What if you're already an Emperor? What can this Tarot card teach you?

It can teach you how to be a wise and caring leader. It can teach you the virtue of caution and skepticism.

It can teach you to keep on being yourself without worrying about what others think. In short, it can teach you everything you already know and that you should live as much life as you safely can!

PS: The Emperor says, "Spoil your grandchildren while you still can!" I knew there was a soft-hearted grandfather in there somewhere! Aw!

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) loves tales of yore. She's glad to be alive when technology has made so many advances. She's not old enough to have grandkids, yet. But, she does spoil her niblings (the collective word for "nieces and nephews") rotten.

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Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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