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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - Queen of Wands

Jun 7, 2016

Keyword: Passion Song: "I'm Just A Comet" by Tom Scharpling

Here, there's the Queen of Wands facing the Tarot reader and seeker but looking away. Her staff, the source of her power, is in her right hand. To her left, next to her wooden throne, is a sunflower. At her feet is a black cat.

I want to talk for a minute about why I picked the song I did. "I''m Just A Comet" is a song by a guy, wouldn't be better as the King of Wands song?

Perhaps. But, I think the lyrics are more powerful when applied to a woman. "I know deep down in my heart. I have nothing to fear."

This go-get-her attitude is stark. Starker still when a woman goes for it full on. "Comet" is a bold statement about ambition. It's bolder and more impressive when it comes from the Queen of Wands.

The Queen of Wands all about passion. She always goes for it!

It doesn't matter what it is, or if it will work out or not. She lives with no regrets.

Today, harness the power of your own comet. Go boldly forward without ceasing! What are you waiting for?

Command the attention of everyone. What does it feel like? How do you like it?

How charismatic are you? What can you do to improve that?

In what ways do you "soar like a comet"? How do you "crash like a comet"?

How do you blaze a trail? What happens?

Today, act on a passion you have. Pick one and jump in! Just do it!

If you didn't pursue this passion, what would happen? If you did, how would that change things?

While you can be passionate about people, make sure these people are welcoming it. Don't be creepy or a stalker.

There's a fine line between passion and obsession. Be sure to walk that with care and consideration.

What if you can't come up with a passion? No worries!

Pick something you'd like to learn or do. Find a friend who wants to learn or do that thing to. Peer motivation is powerful!

Start by researching your interests a bit, not too much, though! Avoid analysis paralysis, the archenemy of passion and creativity.

Create something in 5 minutes. Then flesh it out a bit in 15 minutes.

How did it go? Are you interested enough to keep at it?

What are you fired up about? How does it feel when you are fired up?

How can you build that passion into a thing you can channel whenever you want to? How can you take the spark of passion and turn it into a dire you can direct and control?

What would it feel like to be a comet soaring across space? Can you picture it happening? If you can believe it, you can do it!

Believe! Do! Be!

You can do whatever it is your passionate heart desires! I believe in you!

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) is passionate about Tarot. She loves to help other find their paths and to "Soar like a comet". She likes classic rock songs, too.

Visit her at:

Reproduction of all or any part of material by StarzGnosis©, including previous posts,without the express written permission from Planet Starz, Inc. isstrictly forbidden. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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