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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - Queen of Swords

Jul 28, 2016

Keyword: Austere Song: “I Think I Understand“ by Joni Mitchell

Here, there’s the Queen of Swords. She sits in profile on her throne which is taller than the clouds. Speaking of clouds, she has them on her robe.

She holds her sword upright, resting the hilt on her stone throne. Her other hand gestures a welcome of sorts. Her throne has an angel carved into it as well as a butterfly.

In the distance, birds soar across the blue sky. While fluffy white clouds gather behind her.

Most Tarot readers will say that her face is stern. I don’t think so.

Why? Because I don’t see a furrowed brow, or hard line anywhere on her face.

Granted, I can’t see all of her face. Even in profile, as she is, I’d be able to see something showing a firm and unyielding nature. And it’s simply not there.

To be sure, the Queen of Swords gets a bad rap. She’s seen as all logical, all business and without emotion.

This reminds me of my father’s mother. The iron-clad matriarch, “My-way-or-the-highway” type.

My grandma once lectured my 21-year-old sister for two hours.
Because my sister decided to move in with her then boyfriend. Heaven help you if you decide to do anything beyond that and she finds out.

She’s mellowed out since then a great deal. She’s come a long way. I’m proud of her!

But that’s not the Queen of Swords I see at all. I see someone who is firm out of necessity, who feels emotions but who can set them aside to do what needs to be done.

The Queen of Swords is the mistress of her thoughts. She has decided not to think anything negative about herself.

All her faults? She treats then positively not negatively.

It's hard to be positive all the time. And of course the Queen of Swords slips up.

When she does though, she doesn't lay into herself. She doesn't put herself down. She brushes it off and tries again.

I'll be honest. I have real trouble thinking positively.

I worry too much over what I said, didn't say or how I could have said it better. I worry about things I can't control.

Like last night, we had a scheduled power outage from 9am to 5pm. The power was finally back on at midnight.

I worried that the food would be bad, and that we'd need to replace it. On top of that, that we wouldn't have the funds to both pay rent and replace the food.

Silly I know, and not in my control. But still, I worried.

If the Queen of Swords was there with me last night, she'd have told me to banish those thoughts! They don't help you to get it done, they just make you miserable.

And you know what, she's 150% right. Those thoughts don't help me at all.

Her ways may be harsh and seem unrelenting. They're not.

The ONLY way to deal with negative thoughts is not to listen. To banish them quickly before they can take root.

Weed your thoughts like you weed your garden. Throw out the pesky defeating thoughts because if you listen to them, you'll end up miserable.

Nobody wants that. Neither the Queen of Swords nor I want that for you.

Today, have a tip from the Queen of Swords. Her favorite bit of advice is to make your mind heel to you.

Organize your thoughts. Decide to only tell yourself positive and affirming stories.

Decide to only think of your flaws positively. For instance, I'm fat and I have a fungal infection in my toenails.

I could say, "My feet are gross and I'll never lose any of my 223 pounds." But that's negative self-talk!

Don't do that! Instead say, "I'm the perfect weight for cuddling. My feet are beautiful because they're amber-colored."

Choose today and every day going forward to organize your thoughts and make them mind you. Not to let them run rampant and make you worn and weary.

Do it for yourself! Do it for your kids. Do it because I care about you.

Do it every day for a week: no negative self-talk. Imagine what it will feel like to be free of doubt, worry and negativity. It'll be glorious!

I'm taking the pledge. Join me! Let's beat this together!

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) loves herself. She wants everyone to find one thing each day that they love about themselves. If you need help finding things to love about yourself, she's more than happy to help you! Book an I Love Myself Too Much to Fail at Life session with her. She'll leave you excited about your future and chomping at the bit!

Visit her at:

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Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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