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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - Page of Swords

May 31, 2016

Keyword: Discernment. Song "Policy of Truth" Depeche Mode.

In this version of the Page of Swords, a young person stands on the top of a hill. She's holding a sword like a bat. A strong wind carries her hair away from her neck and the ocean waves are fierce.

The Page of Swords is smart. She may be Hermione or Charlie, the hacker from Supernatural.

But she doesn't know everything. Holding her sword close to her can cause serious injury or worse, death. There are gaps in her knowledge.

This is someone who values learning and knowledge. He or she is inquisitive and curious.

Perhaps too curious. Though, I would argue that being too curious is NEVER a bad thing.

As far as I can see, a thirst for knowledge is always a good thing. It's the "I-know-everything!" attitude that worries me. People who think that they know everything aren't humble.

And being humble is necessary for growth. It's required to make friends and to interact with others. No one likes an arrogant jerk!

Today, think about what you know and don't know. What would you like to learn?

Where can you start learning? What's the first step you can take?

I recently bought a book to teach myself crochet. I bit the bullet because I didn't want to wait any longer for someone to teach me. So I taught myself!

I'm not perfect at it and I only know the simplest stitch-the single crochet stitch. But I love making things. At this stage, I throw away more projects than I give away. But I'm still learning and still excited!

To me, crocheting is fun! I like it. Even if I lose count and mess up a LOT! (And I sure do!)

What are your passions? What are you fascinated with?

Where are the people who will teach you what you want to know? How will you find them?

How will you know when it's time to move on and learn a more complex crochet stitch? Or when it's time to attempt a crocheted afghan for the first time? What does crochet mastery look like to you?

Your talent may not be crochet. It might be turning a wooden bowl. But the questions I posed above will translate well for any project.

Be humble enough to know what you don't know. Be wise enough to know there's more to discover.

Be a knowledge scientist! Always ask yourself, "what's next to uncover?"

What if you want to know more about people than things or tasks? You can still learn about people, but a few words of caution first.

Don't ask insensitive questions. Asking someone who uses a wheelchair how she uses the restroom is never a good idea.

Don't expect the person you're asking to educate you on what's appropriate. That kind gentlemen on the scooter will not tell you all the ends and outs of what not ask someone with MS.

Think before you speak. Do your research.

Go online and read forum questions on cerebral palsy if that's what interests you. Pick up books about learning disabilities or autism.

Be smart. Know when to not ask.

Remember everyone starts from square one. It's how you move forward that sets you apart. Move forward with style, class and grace.

Don't be a bull in a china shop! Be a classically-trained dancer instead.

Remember, it's when you stop learning that you start to die by bits and pieces. Put that off as long as possible!

Find one thing to learn each day. You can do it!

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) stays up late at night racking her brain. She does this to bring you fresh Tarot card meanings. Let her know how you liked her interpretations by rating her from 1-10 (1 is low, 10 is high). Rate her on Twitter and Facebook: follow StarzPsychics.

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Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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