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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - King of Pentacles

Jun 10, 2016

Keyword: Grounded Song: "Make the Money,' by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

Here there's the King of Pentacles sitting on his throne in the middle of a vineyard. He has a scepter in his right hand a pentacle in his left.

His throne has two bulls' heads in the legs. His robes are fine and luxurious. In the background to the East, there's a castle.

The King of Pentacles is the only king to hold a scepter and the element of his suit. No other king holds anything but his element when he sits on his throne.

The King of Pentacles isn't the only one to appear in the middle of something. He shares that with the King of Cups whose throne is amidst the ocean waves.

So why would the King of Pentacles remove his throne from his castle? To find the answer, you need to look deeper.

You do this by painting a simple picture of the King of Pentacles based on what you know about him. Just like Bob Ross would do!

What do you know about the King of Pentacles? You know he has vineyard. You know he has fine robes. You know he loves his throne.

Okay so with that information, try to guess why he’d remove his throne from the castle. He did it because he loves his throne a lot. He did it because he loves the sunshine.

He did it because he loves his grapes. He did it to watch his grapes grow, He did it to oversee his vineyard himself.

That last one is I think at the heart of all the other reasons. Okay, but why wouldn’t he trust this task to someone else?

Perhaps because he’s grounded and likes to take a hands-on approach? Maybe he enjoys getting his hands dirty? Maybe he has a high work ethic and, next to his family, he loves his grapes a lot?

I think it's not about trust but about his roots. He loves field work!

Sure he can tell his eldest, the Knight of Pentacles, to oversee the vineyard.

But he doesn't because he likes being in the thick of things. And judging from the state of his vineyard, he's great at it!

The King of Pentacles is so engrossed in his vineyard that he doesn't have time to experiment. It's just as well, for he already knows what works well.

Why change what isn't broke? There's no need to!

The King of Pentacles likes to be knee-deep in grapes. Thus, he knows every aspect of how his vineyard works. No one else knows more than he does about vineyard operations.

So what can you learn from the King of Pentacles? Running a vineyard isn’t the same as running a Fortune 500 company, right?

There’s more in common than you would think at first glance. First, steal the primary rule of the King of Pentacles and learn every aspect of your how your company works.

Get your hands dirty! Ask questions, learn things. Know why your call center workers use the system they do to take order calls.

Nothing's worse than a CEO who doesn't understand how the returns process works. Or a CEO who decided that the policy would be not to accept returns after 30 days without exception.

Second, know when to be firm and when to bend. The King of Pentacles wouldn't have made it past his first harsh winter without a flexible plan in place.

So make a waterproof, frost-proof plan that can bend. Then, follow the plan to the letter!

Make the money. But don't let "the money make you!"

If you haven't listened to "Make the Money," go do it. It is the exact balance of making money while remembering your roots and yourself. Just like the King of Pentacles advises!

Remember to cherish what you have while you have it. This includes family.

Why else do you think you can see a castle in the background? Because the King of Pentacles knows that his precious vineyard isn't the end all be all. He placed it within easy walking distance to his home for that reason.

Today, get the gang together and make a plan for the coming season's success. Remember your dreams and your financial goals. Don't vount your chickens before they've hatched.

Sometimes, as the King of Pentacles knows well, doing is the only way of knowing. Do what proves time and again to yield steady and consistent results.

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) loves saving pennies. She finds comfort in a great plan of action. It's the Taurus in her. She loves Netflix's Grace and Frankie and Etta James.

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Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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