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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - 9 of Wands

Jul 1, 2016

Keyword: Determination Song: “Ain’t No Stopping’ Us Now“ by McFadden and Whitehead

In the Rider-Waite-Smith version, there’s a figure standing with the help of a wand. There’s a bandage on her head. She faces the Tarot reader and seeker. Eight wands are in a line behind her.

She’s on high ground still. This time, it’s smooth and sturdy. It’s solid.

Her position is no accident. With eight wands behind her, she has a line of defense. She also has an early warning system should anyone dare to approach her from behind.

Some Tarot readers will tell you this card means paranoia. And judging from the
Tarot card, I can see why. There’s no one behind her at all. So why are her defenses up?

Just because there’s no one in view of the Tarot reader or the seeker DOESN’T mean that no one is there. Nor, does it mean that you shouldn’t be defensive.

Yet, to say that the figure in the 9 of Wands is paranoid takes away from her rationality. It makes her weak, pitiable and lesser than you.

Let’s look at that last phrase, lesser than you. Why make another person lesser than you?

Just because they aren’t you doesn’t mean they don’t have valid reasons for behaving the way they do.

My friend calls this Frog DNA. It takes its name from that scene in Jurassic Park.

The scene is the one where they substitute the missing parts of dinosaur DNA with frog DNA. The characters forgot that when there is only sex of frog present, the species can switch sexes to mate.

They have male and female dinosaurs that can reproduce. Big, HUGE mistake there.

To be clear, forgetting that the frog DNA can change sexes in the absence of one sex to mate is the mistake. The characters overlooked this crucial detail. 

Needing to reproduce is a valid reason to behave contrary to the characters expectations. Those expectations being not having any dinosaurs mate.

This brings me back to my original point about paranoia and the 9 of Wands. It’s not known why the eight wands are in a line behind her. But, she does have a valid reason for placing them there.

Perhaps she’s sick and tired of being snuck up on Maybe she likes order and would rather have the wands in a neat line. Or, perhaps she's tired of others using her passions against her.

There’s no way to know which reason is the one. It might be a combination of all three reasons. Or, it might be another reason altogether.

What's known is that she's wounded from defending her passions. This has taken its toll on her.

Why? Well, she may be the ONLY one working toward her goal. It might take her all night to plan for this passion to become real. 

If so, when does she sleep? And is she doing this outside of working eight or more hours a day? 

These things could explain her tired and weary appearance. Of course she wouldn't have the time to care for herself. Who would?!

Don't be too hard on this shero. (She + hero= shero.) Look upon her with compassion. Ask her: "How can I help?"

Don't question her tale of woe without a great reason. You haven't walked in her shoes.

So what can you learn from the 9 of Wands? Quite a lot!

First, just as you have valid reasons for your motivations, so does she. Don't judge her too much. Rather, don't judge yourself too much.

Second, don't gawk at her or anyone. Don't point fingers.

You may not be weary now. But, you could be one day.

Third, some passions are hard to pursue. Don't allow yourself to quit before you begin.

Finally, just like the shero, don't let anything stand in your way. Go forth and conquer those obstacles-both real and imagined!

Let nothing stop you until you reach your dreams! If something should stop you, like an accident, find a way around it! You're so worth it!

You'll never know what you're made of until you're tested. Dream big and achieve big things. Sometimes, you just have to grit your teeth and go! 

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) loves giving you alternative and power-filled Tarot meanings. She believes that the human spirit is limitless! She'd prefer a quiet life, but she has a life of trials. Some of which, she has failed. Others she's passed. Like the woman in the 9 of Wands, she is an underdog. She loves rooting for the little people!

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Reproduction of all or any part of material by StarzGnosis©, including previous posts,without the express written permission from Planet Starz, Inc. isstrictly forbidden. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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