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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - 9 of Pentacles

May 21, 2016

Keyword: Prosperity Song: "Money" by Pink Floyd

In the Rider-Waite Smith version, there's a lady all-decked out in a stylish and fancy gold robe. She stands in front of a vineyard with a falcon perched on her glove. She gazes at the bird's fine feathers.

The Nine of Pentacles is all about finery and wealth. In the card's description above there are three symbols of prosperity. Can you spot them?

Go on, re-read it. I'll wait. You're looking for three different words.

Found them? Good! Well done!

If not, they were "robe", "vineyard" and "falcon". Most people picked up on robe. I bet you did!

If you spotted vineyard, good on ya! It's still a profitable business model, after all.

Falcon was the hardest to find. Falconry, the spot of training raptors to hunt, has long since fallen out of fashion. In Medieval times, hurting or killing another gentleman's prized falcon meant death.

Yeah, it seems like overkill to me too. Too harsh!

You could modernize this model with the Kentucky Derby. Substitute horse racing for falconry and you've got the idea.

Now that you understand the keywords, let's dig deeper. What's really going on?

Did this woman work hard to gain her status and position? Or did she inherit the wealth?

Most Tarot readers say that she earned her status by working and networking. By putting in effort each day. They get that from the falcon and the vineyard.

And I can see that, but I'm not sure that refined ladies were falconers. The idea that hard work pays off with millions is a fine one but it's outdated.

I propose that this card is wealthy living within your means. Not as glamorous or exciting, but just as fulfilling and good.

The grass is always going to be greener on the other side of the fence. Try to account for that and be happy.

Happiness isn't found, it's made. Make it for yourself and your family. You can do it!

I know it sounds like a raw deal. But ask yourself if the Nine of Pentacles life is really what you want?

If it is, go for it! If not, figure out what that is and go for that!

You might want to settle down on a few acres and farm. Or you might want to open a fashion line. Both are valid options.

True, the suit of Pentacles is about money and material things. But, "All that glitters isn't gold."

What do I mean? Money, possessions, and status are hollow.

They mean nothing in and of themselves. It's you who gives these things meaning.

We only accept money as payment for things we want. It only relatively recently in human history gained widespread acceptance over bartering.

It's weird when you think about it, bits of paper that aren't backed by gold have so much much meaning. People work two or three jobs just to pay bills.

Don't lose yourself in the pursuit of your financial dreams! It's not worth the cost of your sanity or your soul.

The woman in the Nine of Pentacles knows this, she's got it down pat. She finds the balance between work and leisure and she's great at both!

You can reach your financial dreams. They just may not be as refined or as shiny as hers' are.

That's perfectly fine! You be who you are.

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) is here with practical advice you can follow to untangle the mysteries. She loves tacos and chicken tikka masala. Let her help you reach your financial dreams.

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Rider-Waite Tarot/ images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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