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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - 8 of Swords

Jun 21, 2016

Keyword: Trapped Song: "We've Gotta Get Out of This Place" by The Animals

Here, there's a woman blindfolded and bound by ropes around her chest running down to her hips. If that weren't bad enough, eight swords encircle her position. She stands in dirty swamp water.

My what a predicament our heroine is in! She's trapped! Completely and totally unable to move.

But why? And how? Let's look deeper at this Tarot card for some answers.

The precise placement of the swords around our shero ("she" + "hero") suggest planning. The blindfold and ropes support this assertion. The lack of mud, grime or any dirt on her dress does not appear to show a struggle happened.

It's possible that she went quietly with her abductors. If that's the case, they wouldn't have left her alone in a swampy bog.

No, she'd be in doors at least. Away from prying eyes and under guard to prevent escape attempts.

No, this doesn't make sense. She wasn't taken.

Rather, she set this up. She bound and blindfolded herself. She placed those eight swords there.

Why though? If she wanted to reflect and think, couldn't she have picked a safer and more sanitary place? You bet!

I think she did this when she wasn't in a calm state. She did this to herself in a state of worry and sheer panic.

We're witnessing a mind unchecked and rabid. Packed to the gills with worry and fear. The filthy bog supports this.

So, how does she get out of this mess? By walking herself over to one of swords and slicing her bonds.

But she's blindfolded! Yes, she is.

How can she remove her bonds if she can't see? It's simple, by quieting her rabid mind taking careful steps.

It won't be easy. And she may get hurt. No, she WILL get hurt.

But what hurts her more, remaining where she is, physically safe but mentally unsafe? Or, moving herself toward those eight swords and freeing herself? That is physically unsafe but mentally safe.

The latter option is the best one for her right now. The 8 of Swords is about thinking yourself into a trapped state and no one likes to be trapped.

So how does the 8 of Swords apply to your life today? What wisdome can you take away from this Tarot card?

Think back to a time you felt trapped and worried. What did you do after panicking?

You thought up solution after solution, didn't you? You kept at it until you found that stuck and was viable.

Today, if you feel trapped, think yourself out of that trap. Don't fall prey to the first solution you find. It may not be the best for you.

Ask yourself, "How does this help me? What are the pros and cons of this solution?"

Make a list of every pro and con. Include all the information you need to act on this solution.

Complete lists are your friend here. They remind you what needs to happen and steps you must take.

Avoid deals that available but that are smarmy or otherwise take advantage of you if at all possible. Hold out for better deals if you can.

I feel trapped a lot. Because of my mental health, I talk myself into ideas and thoughts that aren't true a lot. My mind often runs wildly unchecked.

Am I as trapped as I feel? No, hardly ever.

When I feel trapped, I have a simple strategy to free myself. It's one question.

It's one of my Personal Principles. Identify the Problem.

I ask myself, "What's the problem?" I asked myself that just now. And, just now, the problem was "I feel left out."

Sometimes I have to ask, " Why do I feel (blank)?" And because my spouse was talking about the fun things that happened at the resort, I felt left out.

I couldn't go with my love. But, I did other fun things on my own.

Rather than continuing to fee trapped and low. I freed myself.

You can too! Steal my Personal Principle and use it on yourself.

Don't get caught in low, frightening thoughts. Tackle them head on and rise above them!

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) loves understanding how she ticks. She's fascinated by how others tick, too. It's a process she calls "Frog DNA." From that scene in Jurassic Park where they substitute frog DNA for dinosaur DNA. They forgot that that species of frog, in the absence of one sex, will switch its sex so it can reproduce. The faulty logic, i.e. forgetting about frogs switching sexes, is "Frog DNA." The frog DNA had a valid reason to switch, all the dinosaurs were females. It can b summarized as, "People have valid reasons for doing what they do. These reasons don't have to make sense to you. That's why it's called 'Frog DNA'."

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Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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