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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - 7 of Swords

Jun 30, 2016

Keyword: Indecisiveness Song: "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" by The Clash

Here, we see a figure carrying five swords away from an encampment. She has three swords in her left hand. Two swords are in her right hand.

The remaining two swords are in the dirt near the camp. Her body is walking West. She has her eyes closed. Were she looking, though, she'd be looking East.

The encampment is on her left representing home and comfort. The small cluster of people are on her right are her peers. She seems caught, unsure of which way to go.

Many Tarot readers will tell you this card means theft. They get that meaning from the sneaking tiptoe-style walking of the figure. And thy might be right.

Yet, I don't like that interpretation. Not one bit.

Why? It reeks of a loss of personal power.

It describes something that you have no power over. You can't control whether a theft happens to you or not.

You can try to prevent it. But that's not the same thing as it not happening at all.

So why should the 7 of Swords show something you can't control? How does that help you?

It's simple. It doesn't. Not one little bit.

So, instead of theft and sneakiness, I think that the 7 of Swords is about being of two minds. Indecisiveness.

Thus, "Should I Stay or Should I Go?". Now, this song is about one lover asking the other how they feel about the relationship.

So the song isn't entire;y relevant. But the title is on-point.

It's about deciding what to do. Stay or go?

A decision the woman in the 7 of Swords wrestles with a great deal. She's caught between the comfort of home and the excitement of striking out on her own to be with her peers.

How will she choose and end her indecisiveness? That's not exactly clear.

There are clues, though. Remember the five swords she carries? It's no accident they're split between her hands.

The two swords in her right hand are representing her conscious mind, logic and things she knows to be true. The three swords in her left are her unconscious mind, wildness and creativity. She stuck between what's tried and true and what is experimental.

Whichever way she decides to go, she needs to make that choice clear from the jump, BEFORE setting off.

So she can act with purpose. Driven by the certainty that her thoughts and actions are in perfect alignment. That she is on her way to meet and exceed her goals.

So how does the 7 of Swords help you? A card about indecisiveness is of no use to you, right?

No. Let's look at it through the interpretative lens.

First, like the woman in the 7 of Swords, you have options. They may not be the ones you'd prefer, but they re there.

Second, great or sub par, there's a choice. You get to choose the path forward. Not anyone else.

How will you choose? That depends on your options, needs, and goals.

Breaking it down further still, your options: do you like them or not? Can you live with them or not? Which will get you the closest to your needs and goals?

Next, your needs: What are your needs? Are they flexible?

Which choice before you meets your needs better? Which choice sucks less at meeting your needs?

Finally, your goals: What are they? Can they modified at all?

Which choices meets or exceeds your goals? Which choice comes closest to meeting your goals?

Recently, I had a tough choice to make. About a year and a half ago, my love and I separated.

I moved back to Missouri. For 8 months' we lived separated by 1,800 miles.

I got a job. I spent time with my niblings. I spent time with my 16 cousins.

Life went on. I talked to my spouse every day.

We started the process to divorce. We filled out forms. I was all set to be legally unattached and everything.

Then, we started talking about how much we missed each other and didn't want to divorce. But, I still had a choice to make.

To stay in Missouri with my parents nad family or to move back to California? Stay or go?

It was a hard choice, I was happier than I'd been in a while on my own. But, I was sad because I missed my love.

I was of two minds, for 8 months' I wrestled with this choice. Back and forth I went. I was embodying the 7 of Swords every day back then.

You know how this story ends if you've been following my Tarot Card of the Day posts. I stayed with my spouse. I moved back in.

For me, following my heart, mind and soul was the answer. Though, that's not always possible or wise.

If you are wrestling with a choice, listen to your heart, mind and soul.* Trust them to show you the way forward. I did, and I've never been happier!

*Only do this if it makes sense to do so. Use common sense.

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) is rarely indecisive. She knows that secret to beating analysis paralysis to to do something, anything! If you're wrestling with a choice, get clear on your options and come see her. She loves to help!

Visit her at:

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Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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