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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - 5 of Pentacles

Jul 14, 2016

Keyword: Journey Song: “Born to Run“ by Bruce Springsteen

Welcome back to Tarot card of the Day! I took an extended break for personal reasons. I lost my Tarot fire, as it were. But I’ve found it again!

We’re continuing with the 5 of Pentacles.

In the Rider-Waite-Smith version, you can clearly see two figures poorly dressed trudging through the snow. One is using crutches. Both pass a stained glass window that is lit from within.

The scene is simple enough. It’s clear what the figures are doing. But why are they doing it?

Many Tarot readers will tell you that the 5 of Pentacles means poverty. Or that it means not accepting help.

While I can see their points, I disagree. Why? Because focusing on poverty and being down-trodden as these figures are doesn’t help you to overcome the current sticky-wicket.

Instead, I propose that the 5 of Pentacles is less a poverty-stricken card and more a pilgrimage or a soulful journey.

I don’t think these figures are fleeing anything. I think they are running toward their community.

How so? Imagine being the lone person in a group of similar people. The only woman, the only man or the only child.

Now, add a layer of complexity. The only woman over 50, or the only man under 15 in a town of 306 people. That gets mighty lonely.

I should know. For a long time, I was the only Tarot reader I knew.

Everyone in my tiny town of 306 people believed Tarot reading to be “evil”. I was in cahoots with “the devil.” People would offer to “pray for my soul.”

I had to turn to the internet for solace and community. I had to talk to strangers to find out that I was normal, not evil, and I wasn’t going to Hell for doing what my soul’s purpose was-reading Tarot cards.

Like me, the people in this Tarot card are hunting for their community. They are driven by a financial need to go where their talents will be accepted, not mocked.

People simply wouldn’t buy a Tarot reading from me in my hometown. That’s fine. No one is making anyone do anything they don’t want to do.

But, I do have to eek out a living among people who accept mw. That’s part of why ai moved from Missouri to southern California. To be around like-minded spiritually friendly people who get excited about Tarot rather than fearful.

Ask yourself if where you are will support your financial goals. Ask yourself, “Can this environment support me?”

Listen hard for the answer. Really listen. Be unbiased.

I have one grade-school acquaintance who left her family behind in Missouri to live in Texas because that’s where the jobs that match her skills are. She and her spouse are raising a family several states away from her parents, sibling, and extended family.

It’s not easy for her. It wouldn’t be for anyone. But they do it because they must.

What situation are you running toward? What does your financial future look like now?

What are you questing for? Why?

What is your reason for braving the cold? Why do you trudge on?

Get clear on those answers. They matter.

When the 5 of Pentacles pops up, assess your financial future. Get comfortable with the hard facts.

Prepare to take up a journey of the soul borne of pentacle-based need and driven by a soulful purpose. Seek out a welcoming and safe place to recharge your batteries.

When you see the 5 of Pentacles, know that you aren’t alone. Others have made the trek before you and others will follow after you. if you can, leave notes of encouragement and helpful tips for fellow travelers.

Happy Questing!

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) loves Pokemon GO. She’s been questing for health and fun! Let her help you examine your financial needs and point you to the path to the place you’ll be accepted!

Visit her at:

Reproduction of all or any part of material by StarzGnosis©, including previous posts,without the express written permission from Planet Starz, Inc. isstrictly forbidden. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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