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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - 2 of Wands

Jun 13, 2016

Keyword: Insight Song: "Anyway, " by Martina McBride

Here there's a cloaked figure with his back to the Tarot reader and seeker. He faces West looking toward the bay. From his vantage point high above, he can see many things.

He holds one wand in his left hand and a globe in his right. The other wand is bolted down to the castle's architecture.

The 2 of Wands shows someone who has gained everything he sought. This person now asks, "What's next? What's my next move?"

To be sure, this a card of ambition. But not without well-thought out plans of action.

The fact that the figure faces West, signals that he is looking to the past, to gain insight about the way forward. Taking time to analyze past actions is the mark of an excellent and enterprising person.

Remember the other wand that's fastened down? That wand also supports past actions helping to move things forward.

Why? Because someone fastened it down before. Either our hero or an elder of his.

To expect obstacles and plan for them is to rise above them. Indeed, insight is an apt keyword for the 2 of Wands.

But it's not the only keyword that fits this Tarot card. Or, rather, maybecreativeinsight is a better keyword.

Why? Because the figure holds one wand with his left hand. And left handedness deals with creativity and the subconscious.

The key to success is thus to be creative and embrace all possible means to achieve your goal. Especially those that aren't supported by science and reason.

Today, ask yourself, "What's next for me? What else can I do?"

What if you've got no idea what's next? Then what do you do?

Glad you asked! You can find out by taking inventory of your passions and ambitions.

Perhaps that means finally writing a screenplay or that book you're putting off. Or maybe it means starting a community garden finally.

When you have the answer to what's next, ask: "What are my assets? What can I use to achieve my goal(s)? Who can help me?"

No one person is an island. The best endeavors are a team effort! Remember #BatKidBegins?

Go forward boldly! Not blindly!

Rest assured that your passions and plans will meet with success or failure. If they fail, you will have learned how not to do things at least. If they succeed, you will have learned how to streamline the process for the next go-round.

No matter what happens, don't be too critical of yourself. You're doing well! You're amazing!

Be you! Be your awesome self! Life's too short to cut yourself down.

Don't gloss over your failures or get on your high horse when you succeed. Be humble, honest, and accountable.

Remember that globe in the figure's right hand? If you thought "world domination" or "globe trotter", you're sort of right.

I doubt the hero is maniacal and wants to actually rule the world. No, that's far too obsessive and a giant hassle.

But world brand domination? You bet! Who hasn't heard of Google or Nike?

Dominating doesn't have to be a bad thing. But, in a capitalist society it can be.

Use your domination skill set for good, not selfish and self-centered reasons. Dominate in the name of charities and the greater good of humanity!

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) enjoys listening to Enya and Don Williams. Her favorite Tarot suit is Swords. Shedoesn't have one favorite Tarot card: she likes the 3 of Swords, 9 of Swords,and10 of Swords. She also likes: Death, the Tower, andthe Devil. She loves the film Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

You may visit her at:

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Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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