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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - 10 of Swords

Jun 9, 2016

Keyword: Realization Song: "Open Your Mind" by The Music

Here there's a cloaked figure lying prone with ten swords in her back on the beach. In the background, the sky changes from yellow to gray to black. The ocean appears serene and calm.

When I see this card, I'm left asking myself, "How did she allow herself to be prone to such an attack? How could anyone have gotten the drop on her? Why did this happen to her?"

Most Tarot readers take a dark view of this Tarot card. It's finality, the end, the pain, the hurt.

I don't think that at all. Why?

It's all in the scene. There's no blood, no scuffle, nothing to show an attack at all.

Pause for a moment and look closely at the background. There's the sandy beach, the cool and calm ocean, the smoke from a fire, and the thick black air.

All four elements are here. And the woman is facing them.

Why does this matter? Because it transforms the Tarot card.

These elements aren't together by chance. They're present to send her a message. One of unity and inclusion.

The woman in the 10 of Swords is pinned down, but not in the way you think. She allowed her fearful thoughts to run amok in her mind.

She got carried away with versus thinking. You know, "My boss hates me!" Or, "Everyone is out to get me!" Or they look like, "Man versus Nature", or "Life versus Death".

The problem is conflict oriented thoughts. The idea that everyone is out for herself first.

No wonder she's pinned down! She did this to herself.

Don't be like the poor woman in the 10 of Swords. Be better than she is!

How? By challenging any and all negative and conflict-focused thoughts.

Who says that those thoughts deserve to be in your head causing problems? Do you want them there? No!

Then get them out! Ask yourself, "What evidence do I have for this thought? What's another explanation for how my lover or boss acted? Maybe her marriage is in trouble and that's why she snapped at me?"

Pick these thoughts apart! Be ruthless! They're not helping you or anyone else by being there.

They're wearing you down. Making you fearful and afraid.

Boo! Fight back! You are the perfect person to do it, too because you know your negative thoughts tactics so well.

Come up with at least 3 neutral reasons why these fearful thoughts aren't true. Make a daily writing habit out of it.

When you're ready, start being inclusive with your thoughts. Remove versus thinking.

Not everyone is out to get you. Not everything is against you. Believing that only pins you down like the woman in the 10 of Swords.

Open your mind to the glory, wonder and mystery of the universe. Remember that all four elements are present in the 10 of Swords. If they can all fit in one Tarot card, you can open up to someone of a different faith.

Free your mind and your spirit will follow! Don't close yourself off from others because of negative and fearful thoughts. Learn to be their mistress and whip them into submission.

What can you do when you leave these no-good thoughts behind? Maybe backpack through Europe or America? Perhaps, finally take that art class you've been eyeing?

The sky's the limit now that you are not the prisoner of your thoughts! Go forth and conquer your dreams emboldened and energized!

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) loves to encourage others to tackle their dreams! She knows that the first step is the hardest to take. She loves the apps Threes and Pixel Heroes.

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Reproduction of all or any part of material by StarzGnosis©, including previous posts,without the express written permission from Planet Starz, Inc. isstrictly forbidden. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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