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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - 10 of Cups

May 20, 2016

The 10 of Cups: Contentment. Song: "So Happy Together" The Turtles

In the Rider-Waite Smith version, we see two children dancing. Two adults raise one arm upward.

They half-hug each other and gaze at the rainbow above. Their backs are toward us.

This means reflection. And how does reflection fit with contentment?

Perhaps they are reflecting on the long and winding path that brought them here? Maybe they are reflecting on the surprises that brought joy into their lives?

Whatever the cause, they are happy and thankful. They want for nothing.

Today, take some time to reflect on your path. What brought you here? Why?

Which of your relationships are flowing smoothly, happily, and healthy? How can fix those that aren't?

Which areas of your life want for nothing? Or, what things are you thankful for?

Notice, also the river's flowing. It's clear and bright.

This figures' emotions are running smoothly and are healthy. They have good emotional flow within.

They have no need to create drama to form a community. Nor do they roll over and squash how they feel.

They create relationships by monitoring their emotions and being honest with each other. They ensure that all relationships are healthy and active.

How? By doing internal and external emotional work.

If they're angry or sad, they ask themselves, "What's the problem?" They identify it and solve it individually. They don't lay the problem at the feet of their beloved and expect their beloved to fix it.

That's just one of several personal personal principles each of them made with themselves. They write them out to remind themselves to strive to be their best selves.

They have found the emotional balance necessary to grow as individuals and as a couple. It's not easy to create or maintain but it can be done.

How? By setting clear and compassionate boundaries.

Outline what's okay and permitted. Also, what's not.

Agree on a path going forward that works for everyone. Communicate a LOT. No really, all the time.

Agree to talk and listen. Strive to be heard and understood.

Do NOT try to problem-solve. Take turns being the speaker and the listener.

Practice active listening. Say things like, "I understood you to say..." and "I understand why you feel that way."

If you're the speaker, and you have a lot to say, pause after each main point before continuing. Give the listener time to summarize what you said. Organize your thoughts before speaking them aloud.

Check in throughout the day with each other. Send lovingor sexy notes.

Going back to the rainbow from earlier, it's a symbol for the seven chakras. In this card, they look bright!

How do yours look? Do you know?

Find out by booking a full body chakra scan with me or any Starz Psychic. Reiki Healings take at least 15-20 minutes.

Contentment like the adults in the 10 of Cups have isn't found or stumbled upon. It's made each day by their actions.

They've created their blissful life. What does yours look like?

What steps can you take to reach it by doing emotional work on yourself? What's the first step you can take?

A few months' ago, I took the first step. I created a list of Personal Principles to live by. I try torefer to them each morning to remind myself to be my best every day.

My Personal Principles are:

1. Be happy now.

Enjoy the moment. Don't wait to be happy in "the future."

2. Be attentive.

Notice good deeds. Comment on them.

3. Find your center.

Meditate. Find your peace.

4. Be Genevieve.

It doesn't matter what I wish I was like. I'm me. Be me.

5. No score-keeping or nagging.

It's not me vs my spouse. It's us together!

6. Do it now.

Don't put it off. Just do it!

7. Don't cherish things.

Don't save the hand-crocheted blankets for a special occasion. Use them today. Nothing is "too special".

8. Let it go.

It's not worth destroying or hurting my relationships to be right.

9. Act the way I want to feel.

If I want to feel calm, I need to act calm.

10. Identify the problem.

What's wrong? Why am I sad, or angry? Identifying the problem brings closure because I can act to fix it. Only if I know what it is though.

11. Be polite and be fair.

Life's too short not to be fair and polite to everyone..

Do you have set of personal principles you live by to be your best self? What are they?

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) enjoys psychology and bettering herself. She loves Charmed and Greek yogurt. She ready to help you createyour best self!

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Rider-Waite Tarot/ images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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