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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - The Truth About Love Part 4

Apr 15, 2016

"The truth about love"
Part 4

Although we can make comparisons to or with what love is "not" it still leaves a huge opening or gap for interpretation of what love IS. And our first consideration is not just the word itself but the expression of the feeling/emotion and the acceptance and understanding that love or love's meaning varies with all individuals. Love is much like a rainbow and comes in various colors, tones and hues. Even uniting with a soul-mate or life partner does not necessarily guarantee that the "color" (love or definition/expression) will or can be a total or exact match.

So within or in what capacity can or should we attempt to define or guage love not only within self but more significantly in determining that depth of feeling another person carries, feels or holds for or towards us. The use of the word, in of itself is just not enough. As my guides pointed out earlier in this blog series, there are those that lack the true depth of love yet use the word(s) without reservation. However there are just as many that avoid or seemed adverse to admitting or acknowledging their feelings by the use of love, or an "I love you" yet every action and intention is filled with the energy and influence of that which can be no less than love. And also why my guides pointed out that asking a potential or existing partner if they feel love or love you doesn't always result in the truth that we seek.

Although it would be a near impossible task to attempt to define love through mere words or to try to cover every possible aspect of love there are universal and/or general guidelines or factors that most of us can identify if we are willing to be honest and accept the outcome of what we may find.

We also have to take into account how important or significant knowing or validating whether or not this is "love" really is in terms of a specific relationship. Love from what I am taught to believe can come at first sight or be a process in which we learn to love or the emotions and all that is associated with love grows through unity, the relationship and sharing of all intimacies, emotional, spiritual and physical.

So on the one hand we must remember that "love" is only a word and cannot and does not always convey the truth behind the use of the word nor does lack of it's use indicate love is absent or non-existent.

Therefore universally and collectively love can be the experience, the demonstrations; that which is given and that which is received. So to attempt to define love or to perhaps to prove love exists or is the emotion within the relationship we must look to the individual and the amount of lack of sacrifices given or withheld.
So love then becomes a series or chain of events, a consistent approach and the most reliable gauge always lies within our own heart and soul; how we are made to feel and what is lacking by looking at the relationship but understanding the person.

It sounds confusing but it's actually just a complex series of communications along with actions that if we are unsure of or have doubts we can qualify by asking or evaluating the relationship. The relationship always maintains a separate identity and is or should be it's own entity however it IS the product or by-product of the half of each put in, which then equals the "whole".

So as we begin the process of identifying what love IS and how to recognize love specifically to our romantic relationships or those we are currently involved with with the hopes of such outcome we look closer at a few of those "universal and collective" laws or concepts.

And keeping in mind that how one individual shows love may be in a different form than what the receiver is used to or accustomed to receiving as "markers" or actions which derive from and for love.

Equality and balance; when love exists in it's true or real form there is a sense of balance and equality that is produced or regarded within that relationship. And this refers to the actions based on intentions of giving, not necessarily materialistic and certainly not superficial. It is the natural harmony, flow and balance that always seems to "right itself" whenever things tilt too far in one direction. So examples would be contact, time spent devoted to the partner versus time spent with other choice persons. Again a career can be demanding of time and resources and often a message of love in providing for another. So the time spent or the sacrifices made to devote time are those within the actual choosing or choice of both persons. Contact is rather self-explanatory- if you are always making the calls, texts, etc. then it shows there is a lack of balance. Although balance cannot be monitored moment by moment it should much like a ship in the waves, right itself with no pressure or threats.

If we think of balance we can compare it to the anxiety and chaos that is NOT balance. So the best judgment or gauge of the true form of love is not in words, promises or commitments, but the energy that permeates our highest self and external. If that is a constant source of anxiety, doubt, uncertainty and chaos then love either is lacking of love is not leading the actions of the person with whom we have or intend to share our life with.

Although life can and often will be traumatic, dysfunctional, challenging and difficult the interior of the relationship when such comes from a place of love always finds it's inner peace, balance, joy and harmony.

Next more about how we interpret love and it's meanings. ~

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