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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The Challenges of being single; Spiritual Guidance & Insight - Year Ahead 2017

Dec 31, 2016

The Year ahead; 2017

The New Year brings in new influences, energies and lessons to master and embrace. Our spirituality has or should be awakened and we now prepare for "the great change". Much like we see in the first month of January, this year will be powerful, active and filled with potential. It is a year of letting go, reaching our dreams/goals and setting aside the petty or superficial for a higher state of being. The theme for 2017 will be taking charge, making changes and expecting abundance. So long as we are willing to do the work by maintaining a healthy self-image and identity, prolific relationships and restraining fear from defining our path or choices. It is time to follow that path, take the risk and see what lies ahead. For those that turn around, go back or simply can't seem to get moving; life becomes a constant state of chaos and conflict.

1) Love and relationships; As we move into 2017 we have an awakening of the collective which helps us to view all others with compassion and understanding. Love is very much highlighted this year, but from a much deeper place and to all we love not just our romantic partners. Dysfunctional relationships will find ways to compromise and communicate or fall apart. This year cannot support that which is toxic or a negative impact. For many of us we will for perhaps the first time be able to look at past relationships and persons without anger, resentment or grudges. We truly enter a time of healing and recovery and as we forgive others we forgive ourselves and are also forgiven. A circle that brings soul-mates, life partners, friends and family to a place of bonding, sharing and giving/receiving support. There will be many opportunities for those that have yet to find that special "one" and this trend continues throughout most of the year. As we project our highest self, we then attract the same back. And why change from destructive patterns must be accomplished to achieve that human touch.

2) Jobs/career/economy and business; Although we are likely to see some fluctuations during the first month of this year, overall it shows to be a time of great abundance and prosperity for the "average" American. This will trickle over into other countries and what may have been a far off dream suddenly becomes a reality. We are all urged to push forward towards our own personal path and destiny, following our purpose and willing to make sacrifices and take risks. Those searching for a change will have plenty to choose from and most new ventures in business will be quite successful once off the ground. That is not to imply that all just falls out of the sky and into our laps. We are or must be motivated and ready to let the past go, move into a time of recovery and reclaiming all that is rightfully ours, although money takes a backseat to love and relationships, there is balance for those who seek such. About mid-way through the year we will begin to see in the US some major changes in industry and corporations and jobs should be plentiful. Import and export may go through some transitions, but only to balance in fairness to all rather than favor towards one side. And as long as you seek your higher path or purpose, there is not much that will be withheld in this profound year.

3) Politics, government, leaders and global threats; As most of the world is very aware, we have elected a new president which enters the oval office under great speculation and surprise. On one hand staunch supporters both in country and our allies or those desirous of becoming such. And the other side is those horrified and shocked unable to comprehend the outcome. Although we all have free will we are to some degree under the hand of Divine or the greater power/source as are the chosen leaders. 2017 marks major changes in many countries in their own leadership and in global unity and building a foundation of brotherhood. For those that seek their own agenda, as my guides have been warning their time is quickly coming to an end as we ARE in our recovery and changes and this is applicable to all. Our security will be breached and it may take several times before together (countries/allies) are able to formulate and strategize a plan for capture putting an end to this evil terrorism. From what I am shown the main group responsible will be stopped by the end of this year, and our spiritual warfare and prayers, manifesting and hope is a great source for conquering all.

4) The media and the entertainment industry; Although the media was finally coming into a more ethical and responsible state of energy, the campaign and election tore that to shreds. Things within newscasts and channels became so heated and carrying such personal agenda's that it was almost impossible to hear the unbiased truth. There are many that will pay with their jobs and those that will be replaced for the many mistakes and disrespect shown to the public, candidates, leaders and countries. In 2016 many of us were shocked by a few untimely deaths and the breakup of one of Hollywood’s top couples. 2017 shows that a couple that has been split, leaves current partners and reunites, creating a great deal of chaos and frenzy. There are several new actors/actresses coming on the scene that will be a refreshing change, and with gentle and serene spiritual energy. So lots of changes and rearranging will be done, but the outcome will be positive and help to restore our trust in the "news" and those that deliver it.

5) Weather patterns and trends; This will be a year of change and because there is a significant need to recover and release the earth seems intent on shifting from one extreme to another. We are already seeing some of this in several countries. Although my guides do feel global warming will continue to cause the loss more species, it goes beyond that. The positive side is that we are awakened to the spiritual side and therefore attuned to Mother Nature or earth. We should expect to see normal patterns for each location and season, however within that "normal" we will also witness record setting (or close) highs and lows. So summer may exceed 100 one day, and then next week fall way below average at 50. Think of the earth, from movements in the core and even possible fault line disruptions to storms at sea and above as a "shakedown". All has to be almost totally dismantled before it can be restructured or return to what we may consider "normal". Always the outcome is to serve us, to offer balance and the passion to embrace each moment by following our true path. 2017 will be quite an interesting year in terms of weather and almost anything will be possible.

For 2017 we have been given the keys that unlock the doors to our core and in reaching happiness. This is a time of movement, change, action and recovery and release. It is a powerful time when all we vision we can create, we only need follow our hearts and be stopped by no one.

This year will go down in history for many reasons, a year of wisdom, creation, restoration and abundance for all who walk in courage and faith.

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