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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon/ Starz BlogTalk Radio-Monday "The force within; understanding our Spiritual energy" Part 2

Nov 28, 2017

Starz BlogTalk Radio: Monday- 11/27, 8-9pm EST
"The force within; understanding our Spiritual energy" Part 2

As always Starz BlogTalk Radio is hosted by Natalie AKA StarzCast, (Owner, creator, CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself; Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon. The show runs live and is recorded every Monday night, excluding breaks and holidays. Be sure to visit Starz home page and click on the BlogTalk link in the bottom left corner to find all previously aired and recorded shows. Choose from a variety of listening choices, all listed in order from the most recent and with topic/title.

As we began to look at how our spiritual energy can be affected and often in ways or influences that we may not always consider or be aware of this potential. As we all have come to almost "expect"; it so happens that our very own Natalie had a recent experience that couldn't have been more relevant and/or iconic for our topic. We began by giving a synopsis of part 1 (last Monday) and both Natalie and I added what we felt to be the most important factors within or around our spiritual energy.

I reminded us all that in order to be fully connected to our spiritual core there is certain energies or belief systems that must be intact. I used the analogy of a mountain climber or those that "repel" up and down the highest peaks in the world, using not only knowledge and experience but specific tools. For climbers all of their ropes must be connected and in the order appropriate for that climb and the terrain as well.

Spiritually we all have cords or ropes that keep our connection safe and well anchored to our emotional, cognitive and physical selves. When one or more of these ropes becomes damaged, destroyed, unhooked or released just as the climber could face serious consequences. As spiritual beings this can and often does create chaos and dysfunction within our self, relationships, path and purpose. For some as Natalie began to share her weekend experience; these cords become tangled and to reconnect must be worked through, sorted and set in the right direction. Again for a climber, tangled ropes becomes an obstacle or block also and renders our "ropes" whether literal or in reference to energy virtually useless or even non-existent.

While I am not one who "repels" in that division of extreme sports, I am very familiar with the spiritual side and our "tools", ropes and the metaphoric "gear" we use to maintain our fully functioning spiritual energy consist of many things. While this may not be the entire list, as individuals each of us may vary with what we add, Universally the following MUST be intact, untangled and constant. We must have faith and hope. This includes our spiritual belief in our own spiritual energy as well as the collective- that all humans matter and we show compassion to the world at large. The belief in something greater; whether that is Mother Earth, God or Divine the term is unimportant, the faith and believe in the ability of some form of creator is imperative in walking a spiritual path. We must be able to live in the now or the present and have found healthy skills to cope with and then release any and all traumatic experiences. So while of course all humans have pain, weep or become angry, it is our core energy our spiritual power that keeps us from being a reflection of what isn't rather than what is.

And as we moved along in that direction we listened carefully and a bit solemnly as Natalie shared what for her became a profound and even invasive spiritual experience.

There is a book and now a movie written by Wm Paul Young and titled "The Shack". An ordinary man goes through unspeakable tragedy and we follow his journey from hopeless to almost enchantment. I warn those that are sensitive that both book and movie contain dramatic scenes involving a child that may be unsuitable for those that are more sensitive. Not realizing how deeply this movie would impact her, Natalie shared how she watched the movie with a friend, and felt almost as though she had departed HER life and became one with the main characters. As we all know Natalie is an amazing, compassionate and caring "earth angel". (Nicknamed by same friend) Natalie refuses to give up on people, self the world and the strong belief that there certainly IS something greater out there (For her, God) and that the good we do is always rewarded within if not from without. All this being known, the movie IS hard to watch as I read the book and can only imagine the power of seeing this acted out. And it was perfect timing to help explain, share and attempt to define or explain how our spiritual energy is not only the core of our being, but much more. As Natalie explained; this movie haunted her soul to the deepest recesses and left or it was the feeling of having her own soul bare before all and without protection from pain, whether past or present. Although many would argue this was a spiritual book intended to inspire, because of Natalie’s strong empathic gifts (or maybe not always such a gift) along with Natalie always trying to shield others from pain, loss or harm, it was spiritually overwhelming. Natalie even said that later that day the same friend while checking on her said she looked exhausted. Although I feel at a loss to fully articulate the profound and lasting affects this movie placed upon our beloved Miss Natalie; it shows that whether we see, feel or even fully understand all aspects our spiritual energy exists.

Our "ropes" what keeps us from free falling thousands of feet down a mountain or into darkness, sorrow and despair spiritually. And without our ropes, hope, faith, etc., we are climbers with no safety, risking everything for a view.

So for Natalie had she known she shared she may not have watched this but perhaps tried reading the book first. In either case we could hear her begin to choke back tears and the energy emitted was so deep and so moving. Just as much for those of us listening as it was for Natalie watching. Our spiritual energy is the core or center of all other life choices, fate, potential and all that makes us who we are and keeps us under that umbrella of spiritual wakefulness.

I hope that all who listened could at least take from this the incomparable, infinite and powerful influence our spiritual energy has upon self, others and our path and world view.

And if you need a hero or someone to show you the way, just ask Natalie, she is never far and always there for any who seek her help~~~

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