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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - Starz BlogTalk Radio-Monday -July 10 8pm edt "Pay It Forward" Part 1

Jul 11, 2017

Starz BlogTalk Radio-Monday, 7/10- 8pm EDT
"Pay it Forward" Part 1

Be sure to join us next week, Monday, 7/17 at our scheduled time; 8 pm EDT for part 2! And for those that missed our great topic last night, or any previous shows, go to Starz home page and click on the BlogTalk link on the lower left corner for a variety of listening venues. All shows are recorded and listed by date and topics.

As usual we had our lovely Miss Natalie AKA StarzCast, (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and all affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon.

Natalie and I have co-hosted the show for over a year now and our format is enlightening yet casual. We would love to see more callers that wish to comment on the current topic/subject. We do not offer readings on air, however the Chat room which is run by StarzKandi is open during on-air hours for brief readings or one questions answered.

The majority of us has some familiarity with the concept or phrase of "paying it forward"; even if that stems from the very popular movie released back in 2000. However there are many of us that move so quickly about our day and life in general we often forget or neglect to truly live in that "pay it forward" mode.
As our wise and empathic Natalie pointed out, there are many similarities between being or walking in grace (last Monday's topic) and paying it forward. Both begin with a state of mind, energy, intention and goodwill towards all or the collective.

As our own Natalie has so often shared, bared and opened her heart with her own struggles, experiences and challenges, we have proof there is no reason we cannot all "pay it forward".
Part 1 began with a few personal experiences and/or examples but also in offering our insight, guidance and how we define paying it forward. Natalie and I very much agreed that it can largely be defined by giving to others, no matter the resource; a hug, smile or even money or clothes and asking for nothing in return other than such person(s) remember and when able, give to another. And as Natalie pointed out, imagine the amazing shifts within this life and world if we all chose to adopt or embrace the energy of always "paying it forward".

No matter where we come from, where we have been and of course where we are headed remains uncertain to some degree for all humans, this is a gift that ALL are capable of giving. There are numerous times when we have just a teeny bit more than one who is less fortunate and that token, whether a warm coat on a shivering cold day in the north or perhaps a quarter for a cup of coffee can and will make a tremendous difference and impact. When we "pay it forward" we not only share or give from the heart without expectation of return other than someday the taker are able and willing to give to another. But it also effects and influences our Karma so that in some way, somehow, some day, that giving can and will be returned to us in ways we could never imagine.

Natalie is our resident "storyteller" and she did per usual share a few of her own "pay it forward stories". However last night I shared an amazing story that happened when I was a young child to my honorary "uncle" the best friend of my father (A southern Baptist minister) that while not the usual or ordinary; demonstrates the miraculous possibilities that can occur when we stop to help, give a favor or assist one in need.

I grew up listening to this as an inspirational tale to never forget that giving to others is always a positive experience and just as the movie offers, is never forgotten.

In many ways for those of us that either know Natalie or work for or with her; she is the living, breathing tribute and exudes the amazing potential that can be realized when we live in grace and in the constant intention of paying it forward.

For all, it's impossible not to assist one in need, regardless of the details and not feel something spiritual, Divine and positive. It is a domino effect and I know there are numerous humans that gave something, even a small gesture but the intention, love and compassion turned someone's life around.

We should never underestimate how powerful giving is, and how reciprocal it becomes the more we incorporate this energy as a part of simply WHO we are.

From adopting an abused dog, to donating clothes or helping a stranded motorists, I can assure you that life holds endless opportunities in which to give, so that in the end, we and those we give to, and those they give to all are "paying it forward".

Be sure to tune in next Monday for part 2, as I know Natalie has some great stories (doesn't she always!) and we continue to explore; paying it forward.

Join us next Monday, 7/17/17 at 8pm EDT for another interesting and exciting topic! Next week....."Paying It Forward" Part 2

You may reach StarzMayaMoon at: https://

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