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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - Starz BlogTalk Radio; Monday 6/6/17- 8pm EST

Jun 6, 2017

"When Darkness Prevails"- Part 1; Monday 6/5

Be sure to tune in next Monday, June 12th at 8pm EST for part 2!

And as always all broadcasts are recorded and can be accessed via Starz home page; click the link on the bottom left and look for a variety of listening venues. Whether this topic or prior topics, all live shows are recorded and available.

As always our hosts are Natalie AKA StarzCast, (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon.

We began the shown after our break last Monday in support of Memorial Day and we were both excited and overflowing with information to share. While this can often be a somewhat controversial subject, I do feel we did an amazing job in clarifying the "darkness" and separating the meaning of this subject from that which may be associated with the paranormal.

For many; they may have been surprised and even shocked to learn that our own Miss Natalie has in fact battled her own dark hours throughout her life. As our beacon of light and certainly the iconic purity, faith and compassion on Starz, affiliates and within her daily life it can be hard to imagine ANY darkness. However this is precisely what completes the "total package". Not only does this lift any burdens of shame, guilt or feelings of exclusion, it again shows Natalie's willingness to bare her "soul" to hundreds of listeners, some friends, or known to Natalie and other total and complete strangers. No matter the topic or subject as humans we are "pack animals" and we take great comfort and find strong support in the knowledge that those we love, admire, respect and honor have had equal or similar experiences.

In part one we took a look at the differences between clinical depression- a medical affliction versus the natural occurrence of sometimes allowing darkness to prevail. It would probably be true to state that all that suffer from depression live mainly in the darkness, however not all that encounter, experience or find themselves in a dark place are depressed.

The darkness has been referred to as the absence of light, but we both agree that true darkness goes beyond that simple assumption. As humans dealing with endless shifts, changes and struggles, there are inevitably times that hope seems hopeless or non-existent and faith feels too far to reach for. This is in part what the darkness feels like. Although we each are unique and have varied emotions and experiences it becomes a place where we fall; and it can easily swallow us up if we do not take control of that power and instead become self-empowered. For some the loss of a job, even those beyond our control or without just cause as a reflection on our ability and/or being an asset. It may be the end of a relationship or the stark realization that a relationship we had hoped for is simply not going to be realized.

As Natalie again so openly and graciously shared her own harrowing moments living in the darkness, she also gave great insight, guidance and advice to those that may be struggling now, or to remember for the future.
No matter how "dark" things may seem, feel or even be in that moment, day or hour, life is constant change and this too shall pass. As Natalie pointed out one of the greater risks is allowing the darkness to overtake our spirit, heart, life and purpose. That is when the darkness prevails and we for various reasons are unable to reach back towards or into the light.

As humans we enter the physical world with what is referred to as our "soul contract" for those that ascribe or resonate with this spiritual concept, we come prepared. To simplify this energy or agreement, we then agree to certain or specific challenges, rewards and even the timing of certain events. Therefore our contract and/or Karma becomes a role in the existence of our personal darkness. It can be said that having or experiencing darkness is a part of our spiritual and human experience throughout our lifetime. Just as being in the light is also an expected place, energy or state of being.

What we hope to offer to all listeners is that no one, no human should ever remain in the darkness whether choice or perhaps the culmination of external and circumstantial events beyond our control.

And those that again either know Natalie or have listened to prior subjects and/or BlogTalk whether live or recorded should easily understand the significance of Natalie's personal power, Divine intervention and choices NOT to be a "victim" of prevailing darkness.

Next week we will add more personal stories and share various ways to recognize when the darkness begins to creep into our life in any or all aspects. We also hope to offer guidance and insight into attainable and real ways that we can maintain the "wheel" and the brakes, so we are not pulled deep into a dark descent. The further we move or absorb the darkness the more difficult it becomes to extricate ourselves and to once again move towards the light.

There is no magic, no potions or spells. There is faith, hope, courage and an unbreakable belief in a Creator, God or that which is greater than we that combined with our grace can bring the light.

Be sure to tune in next week, again that's Monday June 12th, 8pm EST for our well guarded secrets, and most private thoughts, intentions and experiences that helped us in keeping the darkness from prevailing in our life, or becoming our main source of energy and intention.

In the meantime, may you all head towards the light!

Join us next Monday, 6/15 at 8pm EST for another interesting and exciting topic! Next week....."When Darkness Prevails- Part 2"

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