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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - Starz BlogTalk Radio-Monday 5/8/2017 "The Shadow People"

May 9, 2017

As always Starz BlogTalk airs live and is also recorded every Monday night at 8pm, EST. For those that wish to listen to last night's topic or any of the prior shows can click the link on Starz home page. Starz offers a variety of venues to listen to past recordings and all are listed with topic for those that may be seeking insight on a particular issue.

As always our hosts are Natalie AKA StarzCast; (Owner, founder and CEO of Starz and all affiliates) and myself-Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon.

Shadow people as we discussed and shared our personal experiences are much more common than the average person may realize. There are many that may see movement or the "shadow" or outline of a figure but discard it as their imagination. Although we may not have all the answers both Natalie and I did our best to describe our personal experiences as well as offering insight and possible explanations.

Although as with most things spiritual there are many views and no absolutes, we both seemed to agree and resonate to some of the following criteria when dealing with Shadow people.

The name seems to originate from the shape or form as these always seem to appear as an outline. (Like our own shadow produces) At the same time when viewing or garnering a glimpse of a Shadow person there is the sense or view of the figure being opaque while at the same time solid. In my experiences as a medium, intuitive, paranormal investigator and personal encounters, I have found the descriptions to be quite similar. They usually appear as tall figures, with the sense or energy of a male. It is not something that can be proven therefore it's certainly possible there are female Shadow people but I have yet to encounter personally or reliable eye witnesses that describe this other than male. They are usually tall and are often reported appearing to wear a long coat such as a trench coat and many also see the outline of a hat that is along the lines of a stovepipe hat but perhaps not as big as those worn by and in the era of Abe Lincoln. They can be seen in homes or even the work place or businesses. It seems also to be a common theme that these tall, shadowy figures do not elicit fear but often curiosity or surprise. Shadow people are never threatening or invasive in say comparison to a poltergeist or negative entity. They also can at times be barely visible out of the edge of our vision field and there are those that also report feeling a "whoosh" or soft ruffling of the air. The Shadow people are not invasive and I would consider this to be a semi-intelligent paranormal phenomena.

Natalie (of course!) has been visited or has visually seen a Shadow person several times and in more than one home or location. As she always shares her personal experiences as well as guidance and insight, during our discussion she became aware that her very large and spoiled cat is quite likely seeing a Shadow person quite frequently. So we both agreed that in her situation there was probably at attachment to Natalie herself and with her energy and being so full of the light that comes as no surprise.

So as Natalie shared some interesting behaviors she had notices with her cat, Mooshie it became quite evident to both of us that he was indeed able to either see or feel/sense the presence of her "Shadow person". I also shared my experience as several members have seen a Shadow person; although known other than myself knew what they had witnessed. I have known about the Shadow person since probably first moving into our home and that will be 18 years in December. I had not shared my experiences until after others questioned what they had possibly experienced. I also have Australian Shepherds and because I am a medium I often have various experiences with the paranormal. I have seen my dogs react to other energies, but one male in particular and our small adopted mix toy breed both are aware of our Shadow person. They show no fear, no barking or guarding behaviors but just stare quite intently at the two known locations where several have seen a glimpse of the Shadow person.

So Natalie and I began to discuss and trade possible theories and definitions to explain what is a Shadow person and why are they drawn to certain people or locations. Natalie had some very probable explanations which is part of what makes her such a special person of light and love. She not only shares openly her personal experiences and offers great guidance and insight but take it all a step further. Because she is a strong Empath and has experienced so many amazing paranormal and spiritual encounters she has learned to allow her energy to be totally and completely open to the potential of all things. By sharing this energy and outlook with the listeners as well as friends, family and even some of the experts; she truly helps us all to open up to the possibility of a myriad of that beyond the physical world.

My guides and what I feel as a medium is Shadow people are a piece of the actual spirit or soul of humans that are in various transitions or planes of existence other than walking the earth as humans. They may be a soul mate from recent or past lives' from any era or time. And Natalie agreed and felt she shared a connection or bond with the Shadow person she has, even feeling that this energy has followed her perhaps throughout her entire life!

It is also very possible that these bits or part of a spiritual being/energy are or become connected to a specific location, perhaps the earth on which a property was erected. It even resonates or seems possible that in some cases a Shadow person has become attached to an object, this could be anything from an heirloom to a piece of wood used to build a home or other structure. If we consider that many materials and in some cases most began or originated from the earth, we can see the "why" or even the "what" has virtually endless explanations. A sacred tree, an underground spring that once fed a tribe or even the possible bits of DNA from generations that are or become preserved as a fossil alive with its own unique energy.

No matter our exact or specific beliefs about how this earth, the universe and galaxy came into existence; most of us can agree that there was some form of life thousands of years if not more before us. And there is energy scattered throughout our land, whether a 200 year old oak tree, a spring or natural crystals, there is a world beyond that which we can see or even uncover in this amazing galaxy of planets and stars.

So in conclusion the key points to remember about Shadow people; they are not invasive nor are they intrusive. They generally produce either a neutral or at times (Such as Natalie shared) a positive feeling, response or energy. They are quick and we usually only get a glimpse of such whether they are quickly passing by or standing still. They gravitate towards certain areas in the location. They are pulled in or exist due to some connection to a person, place or thing. They always look very much the same and a true Shadow person never moves towards a human or interferes with our life such as moving objects, creating scents or smells or causing us ANY type of distress, worry or fear.

The Shadow people are a part of our world, whether you have experience this phenomena first hand, noticed your animals staring intently at something unseen or had a friend or relative relate an experience. As Natalie said with her profound insight and grace; believe it all things, for there is so much that exists beyond just this physical world~~~

Join us next Monday, 5/15 at 8pm EST for another interesting and exciting topic! Next week....."The Angelic Realm"

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