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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - Starz BlogTalk Radio; Monday 5/22/17- 8pm EST "The Angelic Realm" Part 2

May 23, 2017

If you missed part 1 or wish to hear prior topics please visit Starz home page and click on the BlogTalk link at the bottom left. All shows are recorded and listed with the topics and are available in a variety of listening choices.

Our host as always are Natalie AKA StarzCast, (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and all affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon. Natalie and I have been hosting Starz BlogTalk together for over a year and share many common spiritual bonds and ideologies.

As we delved into part 2, Natalie began by sharing information about the various "levels" or the hierarchy and specific groups that many believe angels adhere to. As a simplified way of comparison, think of any large company and we have the CEO or perhaps owner, the general manager(s) and then various managers or crew leaders from various departments. And of course there are many views and supported theories about the angelic realm, but we both agreed that angels do adhere to a position or remain within their specific boundaries. We also brought up a few interesting and provocative theories; one is that we believe in the possibility that an angel sent to protect or guide a human can actually develop a romantic or more human relationship. Taking that a step further there are also many that believe that even procreation is possible between angel and human, however we both feel strongly that this is not the purpose of angels on earth.

We also chatted a bit about the archangels usually referenced as four; there are many cultures and belief systems that recognize 7 and some even more. Natalie also brought to our attention that there are some biblical references which do not always depict the archangels as having the "power" or the ability to make decisions without the permission of the Divine, God or Creator.

I also have some belief's that angels are designated to a purpose, whether protection, guidance or perhaps are instructed to intervene in rare instances with our path's and even purpose.

One amazing story that certainly supports this theory was shared in great detail by our Miss Natalie. Years ago slowly losing her energy and unable to shake the feelings of malaise and fatigue, she finally sought medical attention. Things quickly went from bad to worse as specialists were unable to uncover a diagnosis or after numerous tests determine the cause. As our beloved Natalie grew more ill and her major organs, especially the liver began to become affected; and with no clear direction for a "cure" her life literally hung in the balance.

As only Natalie can truly do, she shared an amazing experience that was visual and spiritual in which she was shown a great crystal in colors that illuminated her bedroom. At that time she was receiving supportive care, however the doctors feared without a cure, her organs were sustaining irreparable damage which would only get worse. Being a spiritually connected person her entire life, this rare and inspirational encounter literally saved her life and in more ways that just the physical. For those that have heard or know of Natalie's younger years, it's fairly apparent that she was guided and protected by the angelic realm and even perhaps a higher Divine source. As Natalie watched in a state of amazement, filled with a spiritual sense of great change, the light that shone from this enormous and magnificent crystal of yellow, gold and other colors filled the room. Brighter than the sun or any electrical lamps or artificial lighting, Natalie immediately knew that something angelic, Divine and supernatural was taking place.

At the time Natalie already was deeply spiritual and dedicated to her faith and believes in a Creator (God) and the existence of angels, miracles and Divine intervention. In addition to the inner knowledge of having been healed physically (later proven by her full recovery) this experience only deepened Natalie’s existing belief's and helped to guide her towards her intended purpose. Without any sense of ego or self-importance, Natalie knows beyond a doubt that without this Divine or angelic encounter not only was it likely she would never have recovered, whatever was attacking her immune system and physical health could have proved fatal. However after all Natalie had risen above, so much more than what the average human could likely attain, her path was shifted immensely and Natalie now leads with her beautiful light, sharing with all who cross her path. And of course Starz and all affiliates are a direct product of that one dramatic experience and intervention, so much more than a healing, this Divine intervention allowed Natalie to pursue a path that would change the lives’ of so many people.

And although few of us can truly relate to such a spectacular or extreme intervention, we are all equally privileged in what the future may hold.

As we ended the show, we reminded all listeners that the angelic realm is real and exists in all. Our biggest hurdle or obstacle is simply to have the faith and belief and learning to accept that each of our unique experiences, whether grandiose or minor can be that of the angelic realm. From saviors to reapers, angels mingle amongst humans as guides, protectors and whatever is deemed acceptable. So perhaps that orb you saw dancing across your wall was in fact the light of the angelic. Or as you faced great challenges and adversity that sudden feeling of peace, grace and strength was the light and the connection shared by an angelic being.

Angels much like humans come in many forms and carry many different intentions and agenda's, all to assist us when needed and to guide or help us reach our inner sanctuary and find our true path and purpose.

It is our true prayer for all that you open your mind, hearts and soul to the reality and faithful believe that each of us can be "touched by an angel" when our need is great and we are open to such experiences.

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