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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - Starz BlogTalk Radio; Monday 5/15- 8pm EST

May 16, 2017

The hour literally flew by (pun intended) as we began to share stories, insight and our knowledge about the amazing and extensive Angelic realm. Be sure to tune in next Monday; 5/22 at our usual air time, 8pm EST. For those that may have missed last night's broadcast or to listen to any prior shows; go to Starz home page and click on the BlogTalk logo at the bottom left. Starz offers a variety of venues for listening and there you can find all prior shows listed with topics.

Our hosts as always-Natalie AKA StarzCast (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon.

The angels or the Angelic realm and all the potential associated with angels as Divine beings is a topic/subject that both Natalie and myself feel quite strongly about. We have both had various and different interactions and/or visitations, guidance and other encounters with angels.

During part 1 we both shared a bit about what or how we defined angels, and talked a bit about the difference or significance of the archangels. These are generally referred to as 4, guardians of the north, south, east and west- in no particular order; Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel. There are many that support a belief system that there are in fact numerous archangels and even those that believe the angelic being can be elevated to such status.

We also had a chance to share a few short stories of times when we both felt certain that angels were surrounding us or in some way guiding and/or intervening. When I was quite young, as far back as I can recall I saw angels visually, they were quite ethereal beings, much like we see in depictions and drawings. White, flowing and shimmering attire I had visitations from 3 and sometimes a 4th all the same energy or very familiar to me. Since the age of about 10 I have only had maybe 2 visual experiences and the rest have been in alternate forms.

With our beloved Natalie who lights up the room and even her beautiful soul is felt in her voice across the airwaves her experiences were different yet no less amazing.

First as she has shared before, her childhood was one of many challenges. Although she wasn't abused; she came from parents that were both very career oriented and spent the majority of their time working or caring for self. So imagine a small child, no siblings, spending the majority of her time alone with no company. As Natalie and I have had private conversations, but being the empath she is, Natalie is so open to sharing her own stories; we know that from a spiritual and psychological view that type of childhood COULD have caused a myriad of damage. And although perhaps there was or has been damage, it was never projected towards others nor did Natalie take or turn down a path that so many would have chosen. We KNOW that Natalie had angels that saw to her spiritual and emotional well-being. As one can imagine most children and especially females would have fears at being home alone, would potentially become rebellious falling into the wrong crowd. However for Natalie her life was seen as "normal" and although she was ignored and almost treated as a lifeless piece of furniture rather than a bright, beautiful and curious child, something certainly intervened. I believe with ever fiber of my being on every level that the angels raised our beloved Natalie and helped to impart onto her the natural devotion and compassion she shares with all who cross her path.

And Natalie also had an experience during a car ride, along with several family members that truly offers no other explanation other than angelic intervention. Be sure to visit the home page to hear all the stories in detail and the information shared during last evening's show.

Next week we hope to share some additional stories, perhaps hear from StarzPriestessKandi and discuss our belief's regarding a hierarchy or how angels come to be. We would love to hear from our listeners for general comments or questions, for those seeking a reading we no longer offer that on air but feel free to visit the chat room.

The angelic realm is mystical and filled with miracles and many views. There are no right/wrong answers and we are all on a learning journey. And the truth about angels begins in the heart and the choice to believe that yes, there is something angelic out there.

Join us next week; we know you will be happy you did!

Join us next Monday, 5/22 at 8pm EST for another interesting and exciting topic! Next week....."The Angelic Realm- Part 2"

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