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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - Starz BlogTalk Radio-Monday 5/1 "Mercury Retrograde"

May 2, 2017

"Mercury Retrograde"

After a short break both Natalie and myself-Maya were thrilled to be back on air and with such a profound and often misunderstood subject.

Natalie as some may know; also known as StarzCast is owner, founder and CEO of Starz and affiliates. I am also known as StarzMayaMoon and the two of us have been co-hosting BlogTalk for almost 2 years now. For those that may be new to the site (Starzpsychics) or perhaps just new to BlogTalk we are live every Monday evening at 8pm EST. Because all shows are recorded if you wish to review or listen to prior broadcasts, just click on the BlogTalk link via Starz home page and there is a variety of listening preferences to choose from.

As we discussed the various views, the truth and the actual meaning of Mercury Retrograde. We provided accurate and insightful information from different yet united perspectives. Natalie is a learned and well trained Astrologer having been taught and mentored many years ago by some of the best in the industry. Natalie was able to offer in terms easy for all of us to understand and apply to our path, life and these influences how the planetary alignments have or potentially can have significant effects on many humans. As always we count on our adored Natalie to share bits of her own life and her astrological insight coupled with her natural intuitive abilities create the perfect teacher for dealing with and understanding the retrograde process.

While some well known scientists dismiss any factual data that the planets and/or Mercury in a retrograde position has any effect on the earth, our reliance on power and certainly our personal and spiritual energies. However other entities such as well known Astronomers and meteorologists take a very different view and support the theory that there is a shift in the energy of the earth and even our galaxy if not the universe which seems to create or disturb specific areas.

One such effect supported by Natalie as she explained the astrological significance and cause versus effect is electronically devices. Additionally a definite disturbance in the "power grid" that almost all humans rely on to some degree. Although I am not an astrologer, my guides fully support this theory and agree that during a retrograde many of us are more prone to power interruptions or devices suddenly experiencing break downs and unexplained issues. Some as Natalie pointed out feel strongly enough and especially when a full astrological chart shows specific planetary influences should avoid any new purchases. It is also often advised that even contractual agreements, purchases not associated with actual reliance on power be postponed until the retrograde passes or Mercury once again aligns. This can include but is not limited to vehicles, real estate, any type of purchase or even a new job or career change.

Both Natalie and I agreed that we should not cloister ourselves in the house simply because Mercury is retrograde. And neither should we be too quick to blame anything and everything on the retrograde either as although there are certainly directly related events or situations, life is still full of twists and turns, no matter the planetary alignments.

My guides also added to which Natalie heartily agreed that for many of us we are faced with situations that although they may feel and appear to be detrimental or cause chaos or disruption result in a much needed lesson. So there are positive factors during these times and for those that have postponed dealing with matters or chosen to ignore rather than face inner or issues within self, we are often "slammed" into finishing what may have been left undone. Mercury retrograde can offer us a chance at deep, inner reflection and also coming to terms with various aspects of our life that are not or no longer serve our greater good.

As we ended this relevant topic, we both agreed that Mercury retrograde is a returning energy; influence of factor that I believe Natalie shared was expected four times this year-2017.
If we use caution and take extra steps to read contracts carefully or make certain that changes that may be unavoidable are fully understood and any/all questions completely answered we can all survive and for some of us even grow, expand or take those much needed steps forward.

Mercury goes direct or returns to its rightful position today, however astrologically and using intuition, astronomy. And the knowledge we both have gained from years of experience and learning it takes a couple of days for that energy externally and that which can affect us within to fully balance out and settle.

So be sure to join us again next Monday; on 5/8/2017 at 8pm EST for another equally stimulating and thought provoking topic!

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