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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - Starz BlogTalk Radio - Divine Intervention 7/25/17

Jul 25, 2017

Starz BlogTalk Radio-Monday; 7/24, 8-9pm EDT

"Divine Intervention" Part 1

This is most definitely a favored topic by many. And included is your hosts; Natalie AKA StarzCast (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon. It resonates deeply within both myself and Natalie and is hard to imagine someone being spiritually connected and/or aware without the belief, faith and perhaps an experience with Divine intervention. Starz BlogTalk Radio-Monday; 7/24, 8-9pm EDT

As usual the conversation flowed easily and before we had gotten halfway through the show we both knew this needed to be a 2-part series, which we do from time to time. Although Natalie and I (as true with most that are gifted with abilities) have different specialties or tend to gravitate towards one venue or the other, we totally concur on Divine intervention.

If we start at the beginning; we discussed and shared the concept that Divine intervention is a shift, change or alteration from what may have been the intended, perceived or expected outcome. As Natalie pointed out, there are many of us that are the recipients of such intervention; however the if or the answer lies in our choice of faith versus dismissal. Natalie also pointed out how humans can be quick to say; oh I got lucky, or what a coincidence and even those that apply synchronicity as the "answer" to the change of course. A Divine intervention can be something as small or simple as waking late only to find out later a major accident or pile-up occurred in our designated route. Or those that is or become healed physically with no medical explanation or logical theory. So we both added insight and guidance that Divine intervention versus just "how things go" has much to do with our choices, and spirituality and most important our faith in the existence of a greater or higher power. We don't necessarily have to label of define that power, whether God, Goddess, Universe or even the collective, our faith and believe must always proceed our definition. We asked our listeners to reflect back over the past and even this next week as one might actually be quite surprised how much Divine intervention is at work in our lives'.

And of course our very loved and admired Miss Natalie shared as always her struggles and challenges but also her total and unprecedented belief and adherence to that belief that Divine intervention is a spiritual, angelic and powerful interventionist that works almost by magic more often than not. As we all know Natalie has endured more than the "lions share" of challenges, obstacles and events/experiences that would leave most of us without a trace of faith and hope let alone love and compassion for all. Yet as she walks in grace, always conscious of her choices and always reaching out to help those in need, whether small or inconsequential or great. Natalie teaches by example many things in spirituality and among those one of her greatest is faith and belief in Divine intervention. And as she so eloquently stated; the more we believe and then CHOSE to attribute a blessing or experience to the Divine, the greater the gifts become and the more we seem to receive such interventions.

We also always encourage our listeners to call and share their stories or general opinion, feelings and understanding of our topics. And last night we were ALL blessed with a lovely caller that chose to join in on the topic. I am not sure of the spelling of her name, Amla is how it sounds and she shared some very profound and extremely wise words with all.

As she explained; but with such a sweetness in her voice and not ONE trace of bitterness, she has had more than her share of troubles, and at times she admits that life seemed to be testing or loading her past what she thought she could bear. In addition to taking care of her aged and ailing mother, she suffers from a genetic condition that affects her eyesight, and with no cure she will eventually become totally and permanently blind. As things stand presently, her sight is almost gone; she is unable to drive and is of course limited in life. She also shared in such a manner as to instill great faith in all that even though she came across those people that were not willing to help- perhaps a ride to the store or even a doctor's appointment, there were so many more that entered her path with limitless compassion and support, very much I can say with good authority the type of person Ola herself is. As she shared her disability, rather than strike pity or allow herself to be seen as a victim, she filled the airwaves with her beautiful and amazing spirit. She uplifted many, I included and her energy was truly incredible as she shared her gratitude, blessings and all based with faith, hope and the daunting belief in Divine intervention. And admitting she didn't have all the answers and knew not yet what her full plan or purpose might be and how her disability must be a part of a greater picture, purpose and meaning, we all listened in amazed silence. And she was right!! And perhaps more astute and articulate than either Natalie and I had been, this truly incredible person and spirit, by sharing her story, showed the truest meaning of Divine intervention and the epitome of why faith and hope are essential to our spiritual growth and survival.

And as we signed off and said our goodbyes; it was clear as Natalie pointed out that her "visit" with us as a random listener and caller was without a doubt, Divine intervention.

Tune in next week, 7/31 as we finish with Part 2. And for those that missed last evening's show or would like to hear any of our past broadcasts; visit Starz home page and click on the link at the left bottom. Each show is listed in order and with the various topics and many choices of venues for listening. We look forward to hearing from more of you and have a wonderful week!

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