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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - Starz BlogTalk Radio 8/14 "Understanding Forgiveness"

Aug 15, 2017

Starz BlogTalk Radio- Monday, 8/14 8pm EDT
"Understanding Forgiveness"

Be sure to always check out Starz home page where you will find links to all prior broadcasts in a variety of listening choices. We are live every Monday at 8pm EDT, barring holidays or short breaks. Be sure to watch the bottom right side box that announces our topic for the next week in advance. We have had a great number of callers and invite you to call in whether to share a story related to the topic or ask a general question. (No readings are done on air, visit the chat room or Starz main site)

As always our hosts are Miss Natalie AKA StarzCast (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon.

As we began to discuss forgiveness, what it is and also what it isn't we both agreed on the heart of this and the challenges surrounding achievement.

When someone does a small injustice, whether a person or perhaps even a company, store etc., we are looking more at letting go than real or deep (Divine as Natalie says) forgiveness.

For those that truly struggling to forgive it is generally because the crime or trespass against their being; whether spiritual, emotional or physical is traumatic and significant.

As always Natalie shown her light and shared some of her own stories and even how she has worked to teach those around to live and let go. To forgive is Divine, she claims. And I do agree forgiveness comes from the Divine and highest spiritual core/being/energy within. Forgiveness in many ways is unrelated to the event(s) and person(s) that caused the harm. It is not meant to condone, negate or expect we can forget whatever was done or occurred. However when we carry around a large grudge no matter how justified we may be or what validation we receive, for some even justice, WE are not free until we learn the process of true forgiveness. And it's not easy to accomplish but once we have taken those necessary steps our spiritual connection becomes stronger and our weight of burdens lighter. We cannot fulfill our path, purpose or find true happiness when we allow others to continue to affect our future. And NOT forgiving equates with giving up our power to those/that which caused the original damage.

It was a busy night with several callers and each had something unique to add about how they found forgiveness or were working on the path towards that release.

We had Dia (sp) who shared that this had in effect been her largest nemesis and she was finally realizing forgiveness is a gift, a blessing to SELF.
Then we had Laurie (sp) who talked about having just gone through a situation in which she needed to make a choice of forgiving and reclaiming her life or forever living in the darkness or shadow of what she experienced. And Jay who I believe has joined us before brought up a great point.

He had forgiven a person that he shares a close relationship with yet this person has in some way wounded or betrayed Jay more than once. Forgiveness is NOT acceptance and therefore we should never feel pushed to interact or be a part of someone who has caused us harm. We always have to remember that forgiveness is love of self, it is healing from within and letting go, those inner "demons", memories and all else that had prevented us from the life we can or should be living.

Of course all that know Natalie or have listened to her realize that she learned to forgive a long time ago, a choice much more spiritual than holding onto pain, grudges or negativity.

If you haven't yet found that place, we urge you to begin the journey and the process of finding that "Divine Forgiveness"

Be sure to join us next Monday, 8pm EDT for another provocative and spiritual topic!

You may reach StarzMayaMoon at: https://

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