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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - Monday, 12/11, 8-9pm EST "Tis the season; Spiritual giving of our self"

Dec 12, 2017

Starz BlogTalk Radio - Monday, 12/11, 8-9pm EST
"Tis the season; Spiritual giving of our self"

As always Starz BlogTalk is hosted by Natalie AKA StarzCast, (Owner, creator and CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon. Be sure to check out Starz home page on bottom left where you can find the BlogTalk link and enjoy listening to all recorded shows. In order from most recent and also listed by topic you are sure to find a subject that is appealing and with a myriad of choices for listening. We run live every Monday night at 8-9pm EST.** Please note that Starz BlogTalk Radio will be taking a short break during the holiday season. Watch for our return and of course another exciting, provocative and spiritual topic! We resume on 1/8/2018; at our usual time 8-9pm EST and of course our chatty hosts!

It didn't surprise me and those that know our "earth angel" Miss Natalie was not either when Natalie began the show with encouraging all to "share of self" throughout the year. Because that is who and what Natalie is.

We are a collective and each of us as humans are spiritually connected to one another; those we know and love and those across the globe. While perhaps not all celebrate the more traditional holidays occurring in December-Christmas and Hanukkah being the two predominant events, something is in the air. There is a feeling hard to describe but a deep and permeating joy or perhaps compassion that many of us choose to express during this special month and season.
And for those that share in the traditions or festivities at the center or core of many different cultures is giving. It sounds like a too perfect world in which all humans observe a month or many weeks of selfless giving and focus our time, resources and energy on others in need. But in this not so perfect world things can become twisted and among the jingle bells and lighting the Menorah (to name just a few) lie despair, loneliness, anxiety, worry, stress and expectation. Our society runs on a track that is often built on the materialistic, superficial and what HAS to be done rather than what NEEDS to be done.

And our show tackled that quite nicely with great input from both hosts on the spiritual meaning and ways of giving. While there is nothing "evil" or spiritually lacking in the thrill of literal gift giving and all the fun , surprising family and friends. And for many shopping, picking and choosing that perfect present or gift is or can bring joy to the giver and even more so as they open the carefully chosen item. But when what is meant to be a time of compassion, joy and love turns us into worriers or the stress, pressure and expectation of spending what we simply don't have steals or revokes the true meaning; it's time to stop and convene within.

Natalie and I both provided many examples of inexpensive, thoughtful gifts and/or ways to manage your "list" without fearing what is being spent or trying again to meet unreachable expectations. And let's go a step further into what so many are truly in need of and that is the gift of caring, showing someone that the spirit of the season is just that; spiritual and light.

Many are surrounded by dozens of family members and often to their displeasure or dismay. And then others perhaps new in town, shy or whatever the cause are totally alone at this time of year, no friends, no partner, no companion. So while they may have no worries over what size sweater or if a gift will be the right choice these have an even greater need and the remedy is actually quite simple. For those alone, share your own light and spiritual connection with others; whether you spend the holidays in a soup kitchen, shelter or helping the hundreds of organizations that do their best to bring joy to those forgotten, we ALL have something to give.

Giving is from the heart, the soul, the spirit. It is offering help to a stranger, dropping off a card or perhaps a home baked goodie to a neighbor, or colleague or anyone that we yearn to see smile. And as with all things spiritual, the true essence of giving begins within and then comes and gives from within.

So we become "spiritual warriors, not worriers" and with a change of how we see giving, I can promise you that this can be a joyous, amazing season and only our Creator or the Universe knows what will be returned when we let go of expectations and give the greatest gift of all - our self!
A phone call, a card, time we mentioned so many great ideas and if you missed us live last night I encourage you to listen to our program and be filled with the "spirit" no matter your traditions, beliefs or how or when you celebrate.

Now I have a story to share. There once was a young girl, she grew up in a middle class home with both parents. They may not have been rich, but they were very comfortable fitting in with the upper to middle class. They didn't beat their daughter, starve her, and there were no deep secrets of incest, abuse or such. She grew up alone, even though she had both of her biological parents "raising her". She was fed, clothed and sent to Catholic Church and school where she was taught religion, manners and schooling. And Christmas was one of her favorite times of year! She loved giving to others and even as a young child she celebrated the season with so much love and joy in her heart, the way it SHOULD be. And for most of those years there were presents under the tree that "Santa" had magically brought into her house and placed the under the Christmas tree.

And at about age 8 or maybe 9, she awoke well before her parents, as was the normal Christmas morning and tiptoed on the steps to see what might lie beneath the beautiful tree this year. But it was empty. She rubbed her eyes and checked again; surely this was a mistake. She checked the clock, was he running late? Should she go back to bed? Maybe wait another hour or two? And as she contemplated what could possibly explain the empty tree, her parents arose and without a word of explanation went on to their normal routines. And that is when Christmas went and never came again.

So she grew up, and she vowed to be as loving, compassionate and spiritual as she could. I know the angels helped her, not just that dark Christmas morning but ALL the times she was alone or lonely or sat in her room reading, by herself again.
And eventually she married and had a son. She raised him from her heart and soul and never let that darkness SHE was subjected to creep into her life, her soul or world. And she grew emotionally, spiritually and always with her faith her guiding light.

She became a mentor, empath, teacher, friend and grandmother. She gave to those in need, not always money but kindness. She noticed when someone struggled with a door or couldn't quite reach a high shelf in the store. She let her Creator, whom she calls God have her total trust and faith and he led her down a path she could never have imagined. From a beautician to the manager of an elite golf country club. From a pretzel store and beyond she made her journey, always in grace, always working through spirit. And then her destination, her purpose was revealed.

She worked tirelessly (and with little if any pay) for years on this "purpose". She stayed up late and got up early. She was determined that above all else, she would create a small universe within our universe where people were LOVED.

She is known by many and all those that meet her, no matter the circumstances seem to see or maybe they feel that beautiful light.

And if you are reading this, or if you were a listener last evening or perhaps another Monday night, then you heard or felt it too.

I call her Miss Natalie.. and whether you are an expert, client, friend or neighbor you may not have the words to explain why or how she is "different" but you know in your heart and soul that she is.

You see, this IS the time of miracles and wonders, and we have been blessed those of us that recognize this amazing person. She IS an earth angel and she walks among us, always caring, always looking for those she can help. And we love her because there aren't many angels here on earth. I am just lucky to call her my friend, My Miss Natalie and I hope all of you that have been blessed by her presence or voice or touch or however you have been helped you realize it too.

This is for you Natalie, for you ARE the true spirit of Christmas and the icon for giving, and loving and all that is good and true and of the beautiful light~~~~~~~

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