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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "January 2017 Forecast"

Dec 30, 2016

January 2017 Forecast

As per usual the first month of a new year, January is almost always a powerful and profound month. And as we have been building upon many universal and spiritual lessons, January enters much like a roaring lion.
Changing, rearranging and in for many if not most it will feel like a major upheaval of twists and turns. Although it can in the beginning feel fast moving and hard to keep pace, the goal or outcome is always that which serves our greatest good and highest path.

1) Our universal lesson, message and energies; January is all about action and for each of us to either begin or perhaps continue our journey towards whatever goals are intended. Our visions connect and we are urged to create whatever we yearn to be do or become. We are moving into the energy of being strong enough to let go, release so we can heal and/or rebound, but also take big enough steps we make progress. Our lesson for January is, a time for change, facing fears and crossing or taking that crossroads, full of hope and faith in self. The universal and Divine energy is strong and like the wind at our backs helps to usher us along. This month will begin the cycle or phase throughout the year, but becomes especially potent this month. What we must avoid is procrastination, allowing fear or the past to define us and placing too much emphasis on ONE outcome versus being open to all that is truly possible.

2) Love and relationships; January is a month of love and we see this both in platonic and romantic relationships. For those that have had recent struggles, forgiveness seems to come much easier and we simply "lay down arms". Our lesson and message is peace, healing and compassion and so all relationships that are healthy and truly of respect are shown more compassion than perhaps for months. It is also a month that for many those relationships or persons that were removed or exited their life due to external circumstances or timing, will find they show up or reappear. Therefore even if for closure on a higher scale, for many of us the past reappears when it comes to love and that which has been missing. It is a wonderful time for those already with their life partner as things just seem to balance and unify as long as we are not complacent or taking one another for granted. Appreciation and devotion are needed but it is part of the energy sent by universe therefore easy to obtain. For those single and searching, January proves to be a great month for not just meeting a soul mate or life partner but just making new connections and widening our social circles or networks. Just remember the message-ACTION is required!

2) Economy/jobs/business; With the changes in the US Presidency the economy may be a bit up and down especially the first 2 weeks of January. It will eventually balance out, and the economy begins its journey towards being healed and whole. Jobs, careers and new business opportunities will be abundant but the lesson remains that we all must "work" or be willing to search and sacrifice to meet our goals. For those that finally take strong action the rewards and prosperity will be tremendous and by the end of January those that have persevered WILL succeed in all endeavors.

3) The weather patterns and trends; Because it reflects our spiritual message, lesson and energy, in order to find healing and balance requires some chaos. The weather patterns in January will be similar to those of December with lows, highs and a mixing of below and above average weather for all locations globally. My guides do predict we will see at least 2 large events that are water related or from the sky, so ice, sleet or snow, not really unusual for those in winter. We may also see in the warmer climates some type of either earthquake or movement in the axis or shifts as the entire world spiritually and literally undergoes great transformations. Expect the unexpected and whatever pattern or trend heads your way; remember the outcome is always for that greater and higher good.

4) Government/politics/leaders and national security; Once again we mention the inauguration of the US'S 45 president. After an extreme campaign like no other, one has been chosen. This has already caused many ripples in world leaders but once the President has taken office, we should begin to see positive changes. It may be the very end of January, but those leaders that truly lead for the people will be allies and supported and those ruling for self will continue to fail and lose support. Our security threats from terrorism are still a huge risk and it’s quite likely we see another "hit" in January. Our only consolation is each attack brings us closer to capture and provides more information. Also the media had taken for a bit a more spiritual and ethical view in their ability to report unbiased. We saw in the US that simple fall apart as there were blatant favorites and reporting that was full of personal agenda. Because January is so very strong, a healing month while also being that of constant action and striving for improvement, many will no longer be tolerated and it should not be a shock to see many removed. There will be if not in January soon a number of well know and historically famous broadcasters that will be removed from positions and much will change in the industry.

All in all January is powerful but power is often what we need to make the necessary changes and to keep us up and moving in the right direction. Our lives’ or our energy for many has become a bit blasé or too content without truly pursuing our dreams, visions and keeping fear from choosing our path. For those that are ready to change and rearrange, there is nothing but potential in all aspects and the feeling of unity and healing from past hurts, whether within self or in the collective. All we need to is hear and obey the call to action, and take full advantage of that Divine purpose that steps in and urges us onward~

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