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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Finding closure; the art of letting go" Part 3

Apr 27, 2016

"Finding closure; the art of letting go"
Part 3

So now that we have the basic understanding of achieving or finding closure we can take a closer look at how closure always comes from within. Even for those that are fortunate enough to have received an explanation or interactions that at least attempt to explain or express the logic or reason behind an "ending"; true and complete closure still must always be processed from within.

It is within our spiritual self/core that closure is fully embraced and we then are able to release the past (what was) and enter into the present (what is) and most importantly, realize the potential the future offers. (What can be, what is created)

So closure is not just about packing up the remains of a relationship or taking our personal items off a desk as we walk out the door leaving a job/career behind, but is deeply spiritual and emotional. It goes well beyond just acceptance as recovery and the ability to rebound is the key or essential component to truly letting go.

So although logical explanations or rational answers may offer a small bit of resolution, no matter how rational the reason for an end, this truly does not assist nor permeate our inner turmoil, chaos and quite often the grief of letting go. So for example knowing that your company or corporation is going bankrupt and therefore all employees are being dismissed does not offer any true emotional or spiritual consolation, nor does it actually ease our transition from then to now and onward.

And more specifically, romantic endeavors whether a committed relationship, marriage, life partner or a more casual relationship; the ending or such that is not our chosen path nor outcome can be extremely difficult to navigate and maneuver into a brighter future.

So as we attempt to process our emotions and the changes that generally now surround our life, habits and path, we must first be able to accept. Acceptance sounds easy but is where most humans become blocked or stuck. Acceptance in its full spiritual definition for this context means, that no matter what we had envisioned planned, imagined or expected and regardless of the validity of such, we now must accept that such is no longer a part of our life. It often means going against or accepting in spite of strong Karmic feelings that such was "meant to be" or in some way is "supposed to be" and such thinking or the denial rather than acceptance can lead to self-betrayal. When or if we attempt to deny the obvious, the stated or the reality of what IS, we become powerless and weak and are unable to receive the unity our spiritual core can give.

Acceptance requires that we overrule or override often times the nagging feeling or energy that tempts us to continue to believe in something that is no longer attainable. And during this process many of us often sink low and project fault or blame upon self. In a sense we mutilate our spiritual core by masking or attempting to ease the pain by somehow finding control. If we can find blame within, then our sub-conscious is programmed to define this as also the ability to control or manipulate that original or the outcome we had contemplated. So first in acceptance is the ability to release any and all power or control over both circumstances and the free will and choice of others.

When we release and accept we are not in control over the external, whether an event, place or person we actually empower our higher self and become better equipped to deal with what is. When we can accept what is, the reality of what is the now, or the existing; this places us metaphorically on the paths that lead to the future. And it is always within the future, that faith, hope and all potential arises and beckons.

So although that is not to suggest we are or can be "pain free" or without struggles and difficulties, it does indicate we are spiritually connected and operating from our highest point or energy.

And as individuals, we each need our own time line for processing and acceptance. There is no clock that can be set for this, however as long as we do not become blocked or stuck in the acceptance phase, we can be assured we will eventually move forward.

So in essence the first step in receiving and/or giving closure to self is the acceptance of what is, without minimizing its affect and without falling into the traps of denial or disassociation with reality. My guides often refer to this state of being or this level of energy as having acquired or found our "state of grace". Again used in this context it implies our ability to accept what is, without chaotic behaviors or actions to seek reason or logic, and with the inner power of and over self. So releasing the imaginary concept of control over others and circumstances while at the same time empowering self, and working towards the potential that awaits equally for all.

Closure is a process of acceptance and almost always self-forgiveness. We must be able to be without blame or shame, and to accept that if there are reasons, we may not always have access to those in our time of need, or even in this lifetime. So we carry on in spite of, or even when we lack consistency or knowledge of why, and instead embrace that we are or that in some way our higher self can and will be served. And why faith goes hand in hand with acceptance.

Next; acceptance and moving towards the ability to embrace the future. ~

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