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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - A "Spiritual lift"; Starz BlogTalk Radio-Monday 3/6/17

Mar 7, 2017

A "Spiritual lift"; Starz BlogTalk Radio-Monday 3/6/17

As always you can tune in live on Monday nights at 8pm EST or visit Starz home page and click on the BlogTalk link to access any prior shows. All shows are recorded and archived and available to download in a variety of listening venues.

Our hosts are Natalie AKA StarzCast (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon.

We started by defining how we interpreted what a "spiritual lift" actually is; both Natalie and myself agreeing it was a way of altering or shifting our current mood. In comparison to enlightenment, a spiritual lift can be done intentionally and assists us in breaking free from a problem for that time or just helping us as humans to see life in a fresh or renewed view.

It is not a magic pill nor can a spiritual lift eliminate life's challenges however one may be surprised at how powerful just a few small changes can be in helping us cope and return to our faith in the future.

For much meditation, quiet time, prayers and just taking a mental break from whatever is causing the stress, worry or even sadness or grief works quickly and easily. For other humans that are more tactile and struggle to quiet the mind or distract themselves mentally or emotionally we recommended a variety of actions that quite often give us that "lift" we so desperately need. Examples would be cooking, gardening, listening to music or if you happen to be gifted playing your own music. Anything from shopping to a walk around the block often works to get our adrenaline pumping and that change of scenery creates or helps with a new outlook.

As we know from being privileged to listen and share so many of Natalie's personal life experiences; she talked about her stationary bike and how even sometimes quite late in the evening riding for 15 minutes or so makes such a big difference. She is also a music lover, as I too am and sometimes just taking a break and listening to music we find appealing is enough to create that lift.

Natalie even running a large business, writing a book, and assisting both experts and clients; she still relates to all as a human being. Natalie expresses herself as humble and compassionate while at the same time faces her share of challenges and obstacles. And we can always rely on Natalie to dig deep into her life, her feelings and most especially her spiritual energy to share her profound moments. Listing examples that she actually faced; she gave great examples of how one type of "lift" may work in one circumstance and it's possible and actually likely that we keep several "lifts" in our spiritual arsenal of what works and what doesn't.

While both myself and Natalie are supportive people, especially considering the work we do or our somewhat similar callings/purpose. Yet we both felt that when seeking or the need arises for a spiritual lift, looking to others for support is not always a healthy choice. Even if our intentions are honorable, a "lift" needs to be a personal and practiced way of shifting our mood or outlook for that day, hour or moment. A bit of a renewal or just a way of "freshening up" how we choose to see and interpret our lives. When or if we get into the habit or pattern of relying on others for our "lift" we end up passing that energy along and although we may indeed feel better; it’s not a healthy choice for those on the receiving end. It's a bit metaphoric for dumping your trash on the neighbor's porch; most of us would never consider that.

So all in all a spiritual lift is not a permanent solution, however it never runs dry or stops working as we navigate through our life either. There are so many choices from envisioning a dream vacation to a walk in the woods, or an impromptu visit to our favorite store or trip to the spa. And while some of us may choose at times depending on how much of a "lift" may be needed a deeper or more complex solution. In our everyday life as Natalie shared with the listeners, wrapping up in a cozy blanket and just taking a few minutes or more to simply be. To clear out the debris, the worry, stress and whatever problem or problems have created the need for a lift.

Unlike plastic surgery or a literal lift (such as a face, neck or eye lift) there is never any risks involved and it doesn't have to cost to reap all the benefits and rewards.

As humans we seem to always devote time to worry, to watching the clock and rushing to complete all the tasks expected of us. Yet when it comes to caring for our spiritual selves, we very often neglect that until just as Natalie shared; we find ourselves in pain or deeply embedded in a struggle that could have been and should have been deal with much earlier.

Natalie as an extremely powerful empath feels not only the bumps in her own life and career, but often can pick up the energy from those around her and even the collective. Yet she has shared and shown us once again, that if we have the belief in something greater, something more such as God, the Universe or a creator, we can learn to overcome rather than succumb. Not all of us can run out to the surgeon's office and schedule some type of physical lift.

But the great news is that every single human has within their power and grasp, many, many ways of intentionally creating and completing a "spiritual lift". No appointment necessary, no license and once we practice and find those "lifts" that seem to resonate with us, we can use this method as often as needed, without any concerns or worries of doing too much.

Have you had YOUR spiritual lift lately?

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