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September TarotScopes 2024

Sep 1, 2024

Knight of Swords

You may find yourself involved with a person who acts impulsively and whose thoughts are erratic this month. This person could either be an enemy of yours or a loyal friend whose intension is to act in your favor. Whatever the circumstance around this is, know this person will stand by you, give support and defend you when necessary. This person brings with him/her a rush of positive energies. You are also asked this month to be logical, practical and honest in all your undertakings.

Five of Cups

Taurus don’t live with regret this month, it’s no good crying over spilt milk, move on and look to the future, you still have a lot to be thankful for. You may feel disappointed that a situation doesn’t quite turn out as you had hoped, but instead of wallowing in self-pity let it go and move forward. Forgiveness is your keyword for this month Taurus, forgive, or ask forgiveness. Remember that hindsight is clearer than foresight and wisdom is gained from the mistakes of the past. Even if things go pear-shaped, gain wisdom by reflecting on the lessons you have learned.

Five of wands

There may be some minor hiccups occurring this month, so do your best to avoid trouble or getting involved unless it is necessary. This is a month of ups and down’s but know this unsettled phase is short and temporary so, stay positive and aware of change so that you can steer things gently towards more settled waters.

Four of Pentacles

Solid foundations and hard work are paying off for you right now but be careful that you don’t become too materialistic and forfeit friendships for money and success. This month you are asked to consider your need for control, and whether it is possible, ask yourself whether you are resisting change and remember that sometimes we cling onto that which is familiar even when it serves us no use anymore. Consider the world around you as a vast Ocean, it is impossible to control, the only way to stop yourself drowning is to ride the waves. This month you are also asked to look at your finances are you too tight with them or are you being to spendthrift?

Page of Pentacles

Look out for opportunities this month that will make money, don’t overlook an opening that promises enrichment, comfort, trust or the chance to make your dreams real. Listen out for news, especially if you are a student or an apprentice, because your hard work and dedication will begin to pay off this month. If you have recently been studying for an examination, then expect favorable outcomes. Financially, you need to look constructively at a new hobby or interest because there is a good possibility of it developing into a profession or money-making venture in the future.

Ace of Wands

‘Go for it’ this month. September could see you feeling highly inspired and enthusiastic about pursuing a new idea or project. You are all revved up and raring to go. Use your creative energy and passion to take the first steps and get this project underway. Even if you have no plans mapped out listen to your instincts and follow your gut. If it feels like a good idea, it probably is. The important thing this month is to act, rather than spending time planning or researching.

Eight of wands

The eight says full speed ahead! There is nothing in your way. Focus on what you wish to manifest and know that you are on track, so push ahead, and set your eyes on the prize! The eight also speaks about movement both physically as in taking a trip / journey somewhere and internally as in a change of heart / belief and gives you a massive thumbs up to go for it!

Ten of Pentacles

This month is looking positive for business and all matters concerning work and career. So don’t be afraid to take a chance on you! Accept a promotion! Look to the future. Make life choices with confidence, be assertive and go for your goals. There is contentment in achievement during September build on your achievements, especially those that give you something solid and permanent you can hand down to future generations. September could see you feeling generous and able to help those less fortunate than yourself.

Ten of Cups

Sagittarius this month is all about completion and the delicate balance of positives and negatives in your life. An old cycle is concluding, and a new cycle is about to begin. There is change and transition in the air but be mindful that you don’t allow any changes to become uncertainties, be cautious with your choices! September is also a time to focus on family and close friends, take the time to visit and be around the people that you care the most about. Travel, trips and vacations are favorable.

Eight of Pentacles

September is shaping up to be a positive month for you Capricorn with career and study at the forefront. So, if you have been thinking of an apprenticeship or are in an apprenticeship then this month could see you making great leaps forward. You may even find yourself seeking or attaining a change of position in your current profession, or perhaps you are seeking new employment opportunities, or studying a new trade or skill, whatever you are working toward, know things are possible in September. Personal satisfaction and good times are to be had, along with recognition for a job well done. But don’t rest on your laurels because there is still work to be done!

Seven of Pentacles

A little play time this month will do you good, so take your foot off the gas pedal relax and have fun. The seven also asks that you take time to ponder whatever it is that has been bothering you of late. Try looking from a new angle or maybe try a different approach. Sometimes you have to re-think things if you want to make change and move in a new direction.


This month is all about change and renewal. The Death card is not to be feared it is a card that predicts transformation and asks that you go with the flow and allow for change to happen. It reminds you that as one door shuts so another will open and asks that you do not fight change, but that you embrace it and look to the future.

Note: All of the above is owned by Starz Psychics Your Future Awaits ®

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