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Repeating Number - Angel Number 1212

Dec 7, 2024

If you have started to see the repeating number 1212 it could be that your Angels are trying to send you a message. The number 1212 speaks about spiritual growth, manifestation and awakening. It says pay attention to your dreams and become more aware of your infinite being.

Your Angels want you to take more notice of your thoughts, because this is how you create your own reality. So, if you feel insecure or weak your Angels are trying to motivate you. at

Your Angels are Sending You a Message

Seeing repeated number 1212 is bringing you a mixture of the energies of the number 1 and the number 2.
The Angel number 1 being a powerful number normally representing new experiences and could be asking you to let something new into your life. Angel Number 1 is also a symbol of creation, leadership, courage, attainment, inspiration, and initiative.

The Angel number 2 is normally a sign of positivity, duality, balance, harmony, cooperation, and having a detached view. This repeating number asks that you have faith and asks that you look in more depth at your life purpose.

Therefor when we join this repeating number, the Angel number 1212 it has a powerful meaning and is sent as encouragement for you to step out of your comfort zone and consider a new direction, or a new project / venture that you have been considering for a long time. It says believe in your-self!

Seeing repeated number 1212 is encouraging

Your Angels are around you supporting and encouraging you, so maintain a positive mind set and steer your thoughts in the direction of your goals and ambitions, because you are on track.

So, when you are seeing repeated number 1212 it is send as a conductor of positivity helping you to remain tuned in to the exact wavelength you need to achieve your goals. It is asking you to let go of your fears and apprehensions and pursue your passions with purpose.

The sequence of Angel number 1212 brings together the Angel numbers 1 and the 2, twice.

This combination of the Angel numbers 1 and 2 are often seen in times of transformation. This could be an external change for example when there are changes happening in your career - perhaps you are going for a promotion, or it might be that you are having difficulties in a relationship.

This combination of Angel numbers can also be telling of inner change – for example a change in the way you see things, or maybe you are letting go of a negative behavior or habit. During these times the Angel number 1212 may be sent as a signal that your Angels are around helping to guide you, helping you to navigate any difficulties you encounter.

The angel number 1212 combines the masculine energy of the Angel number 1 and the feminine energy of the Angel number 2 which gives you the message you need to combine your inner masculine and inner feminine qualities.

Interestingly the Angel number 1212 also connects to the number 6, thus, 1+2+1+2 gives the Angel number 6, which means this single digit number may also have an impact on Agnel number 1212.

What does Angel Number 6 mean in this sequence?

The Angel number 6 means you are on the right path, and that things are balancing themselves out for you right now.

The Angel number 6 is a spiritual number, it means your Guardian Angels are watching over you, protecting you in times of difficulty and helping you along your spiritual journey.

So, seeing the repeated number 1212 has a very special meaning!

Want to know more about seeing repeating numbers and what your angels are trying to tell you? Contact us today at: where one of our advisors will be happy to help.

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