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Power Animals by Shiela Baker

Aug 1, 2016

In the shamanic belief every thing – animate or inanimate – carries with it power and wisdom. Rocks and crystals hold healing and guidance. power animals are helping spirits that add to the ability of the shaman and are essential for success in any journey taken by the shaman. You do not need to be a shaman to have power animals or spirit guides. Everyone has them; often, we just don’t know. Think of your favorite toy as a child, was it a teddy bear, rubber ducky or some other object that you carried with you? Often these intimate partners are a clue to our power animals.

Shaman believe that everyone has power animals, animal spirits that travel with us adding to our power and protecting us from illness. Each power animal that you have increases your power so that illnesses or negative energy cannot enter your body. The spirit brings us the wisdom of its kind. A hawk spirit guide will give you hawk wisdom, and lend you some of the attributes of hawk. The ability to rise above a situation, see more clearly and have objectivity are some of these characteristics.

Everyone Has a Power Animal
Everyone is thought to have a few of these guardian power animals, from birth on. There is a Native American story about how animals feel sorry for humans because we only have two legs (and a very small brain according to Pooh, a wonderful power animal). Over the course of our lives we may have several. If a power animal leaves and one does not come to take its place the individual is considered, by the shaman, to be disempowered and therefore vulnerable to illness and bad luck. Power animal retrieval is a healing where the shaman goes to find a new Power Animal for you.

Any living creature can serve as a power animal. (Plants and trees can serve as plant spirit guides.) It is possible to have a domesticated animal, but it is more likely to have a wild untamed animal serve in the capacity of a power animal.

Specific power animals come to help with an issue that is unique to you. If you are looking for a book on power animals, Animal Speak by Ted Andrews is very popular.

Honoring Power Animals
In western cultures, we are just learning to value animals and the gifts that they add to our life and the world around us. In shamanic work, a power animal is essential, for a shaman who has no power is not going to have very good results. On a personal level, when we honor our Power Animal we acknowledge that its assistance is appreciated. The spirit of the animal is giving up its mobility in order to spend its time with you and assist you with your life.

Also, by honoring the power animal we make a deeper connection with it. Honoring it can be as simple a saying a “thank you,” or getting an object that represents it and putting it where you can see it as you go about your day. Creating a sacred place such as an altar is a beautiful way to connect and give thanks to your Power Animal. Just this act alone has helped many people achieve their goals, releasing old habits, and create more joy and freedom in life.

Shamanic practice honors and acknowledges the life and wisdom that exists in all things. Everything is believed to have something to teach you and animals are thought to have a wealth of wisdom and protection to offer.

Discovering Your Power Animal
If you would like to find out who your power animal is, consulting a shamanic practitioner is an option. To discover this on you own, ask for a dream and see what comes up. If you often cannot remember your dreams say “I remember my important dreams” before you fall asleep at night. Then keep paper and pen by your bed.

You can ask the power animal to repeatedly show itself to you in the day time as well. It is important that you see the power animal several times. If you start seeing one animal frequently that could be a way that they reveal themselves. When taking a shamanic journey to discover power animals I ask that you see the animal three times.

Shamans believe that spirit guides communicate with you by drawing your attention. What you focus on expands. Asking for spiritual guidance reveals power animals, answers to important questions and the Shamanic journey process is an extraordinary way to discover your connection to a deeper intuition and your personal spirit guides and allies.

For a soul retrieval and after-care, home and business blessings, Shamanic counseling, Shamanic journey classes, Akashic record reading or workshops, please visit or contact Shiela at (206) 903-9404 or by e-mail at

Shiela is an author, practicing and teaching Shaman, yoga instructor, psychotherapist, and workshop leader. She has been in private practice for more than 30 years and a practicing Shaman since 1997. In future articles she will explore extraction, soul retrieval and the Shamanic lifestyle as well as power animals, totems, and Shamanic tools. Copy write 2016 may be reproduced in part or whole with permission.

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