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Partial Solar Eclipse

Feb 15, 2018

The new moon, according to, will take a bite out of the solar disk to stage a partial eclipse of the sun on February 15, 2018. This eclipse is visible from southern South America (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, far-southern Brazil and far-southern Paraguay), Antarctica, and the far-southern extremities of the South Pacific and South Atlantic Oceans. If you’re in a position to watch this eclipse, remember to use proper eye protection.

On a worldwide scale, the partial eclipse of the sun starts at sunrise over the South Pacific Ocean, and then the moon’s penumbral shadow moves eastward across the globe, to finally end at sunset nearly 4 hours later over the South Atlantic Ocean. The animation and map below help to illustrate this path of this eclipse, whereby everyplace within the moving gray shadow can see varying degrees of a partial solar eclipse.

From South America, this partial solar eclipse happens in the late afternoon on February 15, placing the sun low in the west at eclipse time. The farther south you live in South America, the deeper the partial solar eclipse. For your convenience, we list the local times of the eclipse, plus the list the eclipse magnitude (percentage of the sun’s diameter covered over by the moon) and the eclipse obscuration (percentage of the solar disk eclipsed by the moon):

Eclipse times for South America (February 15, 2018)

Santiago, Chile
Partial eclipse begins: 18:49 (6:49 p.m.) local summer time
Maximum (greatest) eclipse: 19:16 (7:16 p.m.) local summer time
Partial eclipse ends: 19:42 (7:42 p.m.) local summer time
Eclipse magnitude: 16.5%
Eclipse obscuration: 7.7%

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Partial eclipse begins: 18:37 (6:37 p.m.) local standard time
Maximum (greatest) eclipse: 19:13 (7:13 p.m.) local standard time
Partial eclipse ends: 19:47 (7:47 p.m.) local standard time
Eclipse magnitude: 7.6%
Eclipse obscuration: 2.4%

Stanley, Falkland Islands
Partial eclipse begins: 17:46 (5:46 p.m.) local summer time
Maximum (greatest eclipse): 18:42 (6:42 p.m.) local summer time
Partial eclipse ends: 19:34 (7:34 p.m.) local summer time
Eclipse magnitude: 39.8%
Eclipse magnitude: 27.7%

Image: Map of 2018 February 15 partial solar eclipse via EclipseWise.c

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