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October Tarotscopes by StarzAmber

Oct 4, 2024

Aries – The Five of Cups
Aries don’t live with regret this month, it’s no good crying over spilt milk, move on and look to the future, you still have a lot to be thankful for. You may feel disappointed that a situation doesn’t quite turn out as you had hoped, but instead of wallowing in self-pity let it go and move forward. Forgiveness is your keyword for this month Taurus, forgive, or ask forgiveness. Remember that hindsight is clearer than foresight and wisdom is gained from the mistakes of the past. Even if things go pear-shaped, gain wisdom by reflecting on the lessons you have learned.

Taurus – Justice
The Justice card reminds you that there are always two maybe more sides to every story! And therefore, asks that you to listen to everyone’s point of view carefully before you make your decision. It also asks that you deal with facts and truths this month and that you avoid hasty or rushed choices. It says the truth will out in May.

Gemini - Four of Cups
The Four of Cups suggests that you are closed off to a solution that would help you, it shows that you are wrapped up in your own world and aren’t seeing the bigger picture. Perhaps you are clinging to the old way of doing things and not ready to accept something different. This card can also be that someone is reaching out, but you aren’t seeing this and says become more aware!

Cancer- Nine of Cups
The nine of cups is sometimes referred to as the wish card and is the one you want to see if you are starting a new project or romance, because it tells you that things are on track and moving in your favor. It also means your goals and dreams are more likely to manifest right now, so put in the effort required and stay focused on the prize!

Leo - Five of Wands
There may be some minor hiccups occurring this month, so do your best to avoid trouble or getting involved unless it is necessary. This is a month of ups and down’s but know this unsettled phase is short and temporary so, stay positive and aware of change so that you can steer things gently towards more settled waters.

Virgo - The Wheel of Fortune
The wheel of fortune is quite often referred to as the wheel of life and is sent as encouragement to get the ball rolling! It says now is the time to turn the tides in your favor, so set out your plan, make it realistic and put in the effort required. The wheel says your fortunes are changing on many levels so stay aware, flexible, and wise.

Libra - The Chariot
There is movement around you this month, it might be that you or someone close to you is considering a move – house or job, and this card is a good indication that this is positive and to be encouraged. The Chariot also shows inner movement and that your ideas are changing. So, listen intently to that little voice in your head and what it is telling you.

Scorpio - King of Cups
If you find yourself feeling emotionally challenged or having to deal with the negative energy given off by others this month, take a step back and approach whatever it is that you feel challenged by in a mature and calm manner. You need to be clear in your own mind about what your boundaries are and what is and is not acceptable on an emotional level. Stay level-headed and in control, use your intellect to overcome issues.

Sagittarius – Hermit
Make the time to go inwards to your core this month and re-connect with the things that are important to you, re-connect with your desires, dreams goals and with what ignites the fire in your belly. Bring these things back to the surface in your life to be re-visited. Perhaps you have veered off the path you once set yourself? If this is, you then find a way to get back onto that path once more.

Capricorn – Two of Wands
This month is about making the right choices, the ones that align with your own higher good. You need to let go of the idea that you must follow what other people desire, because you don’t. This is your life, and you have the right to choose your own path. Let go of the past and of any regret, hurt and disappointment and instead focus on the future and on what it is that you want to achieve for yourself

Aquarius – The Emperor
Follow the rules this month and cut no corners. Make no hasty or ill-thought-out choices and decisions. Be confident and follow strategies that are tried and tested. Someone (possibly a male) is influential around you in October this male will want to guide you and help you succeed on your quest / goal. Perhaps this is a new person at work that is transforming the way you approach your on-the-job goals.

Pisces – Queen of Cups
You are likely falling in love, with someone or something, even if you are in denial about this. The lid on the queen’s cup is shut tight, but this doesn’t stop you forming an emotional attachment to someone or something. You need to take a break and get back in touch with your feelings before you make any moves in any direction. Do not rush a decision without knowing how you feel, and make sure those feelings are not influenced by rigid worldly logic that conflicts with your hunches.

All of the above is owned exclusively by Starz Psychics Your Future Awaits®

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