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October in the Garden

Oct 25, 2016

In an extensive article from on what happens this month in the garden we find that the nights are drawing in, and October will see the clocks going back and the first frosts in colder parts of the country. Gardening time might feel curtailed by the shorter sunlight, but the days are often glorious, with the autumn color a counterpoint to the light tipping away.

SPRING COLOR - Spring and autumn are two of the most industrious times of the year and it is worth thinking about one when you are working in the other. Bulb planting is a good example, and now is the time to think about how to light up the garden when it wakes after hibernation. Bulbs are incredible value, for they have instant impact, but it is always better to buy few varieties and larger numbers of each. Think 10s and multiples of 10 for a generous effect in pots. Think 100s (buy wholesale, anyone can if the numbers are large enough) if you are planting in grass, and look into the right varieties. The smaller-floweredNarcissus cyclamineushybrids such as "Jack Snipe" have fine foliage and so are easily incorporated, and there are early, mid-season and late varieties to keep the display working from late winter until May.

The earlier you plant bulbs the better, for the soil is still warm, and getting the roots established before the weather closes in will help them fight wet and rot. That said, tulips are happy to go in as late as the end of November, so leave them until last . The general rule is that bulbs should be planted at two and a half times their own depth, and if you are planting in drifts, work on the principle that if you threw them in the air, you would plant where they landed.

POT MAGIC - Grow the majority of your bulbs in pots. They can be moved around the garden when and where color is needed, the display can be changed from year to year, and new varieties tried and tested. Most of the Middle Eastern bulbs (tulips and fritillarias) work better in pots, but the woodlanders, such as Erythronium and Galanthus, are always better in the ground long term.

AHEAD OF TIME - Pot up a few pans of early flowering bulbs that can be kept in the frame, to force them on a little. Iris reticulata and I histrioides are easily grown. Hippiastrum and "Paper White" Narcissus should be planted now to flower at the end of the year, but keep them inside as neither will stand being frosted.

WARM WELCOME - Think about bringing in any houseplants that have been outside. Acclimatise them slowly if you can. In warmer areas of the country it is worth risking half-hardy perennials until the end of October to make the most of the finale, but in frost-prone areas you will need to bring them under cover, or into the shelter of the buildings.

IN THE FRAME - As a precaution against losing half-hardy pelargonium, fuchsia and Brugmansia, the cuttings that were taken earlier in the summer are now put under cover in the frame. They will be fine here until the weather closes in at the end of November, and then they will be brought into the frost-free garage. After the remains of the basil are pulled, the frame is given a good clear-out to prevent fungal infection.

DON'T PANIC - If you get an early frost, cannas and dahlias will be fine in the ground for a bit, even if their tops are browned. Many people leave them in the ground and mulch heavily, and they are happy for four or five years even in cold gardens if the mulch is deep enough. Once they show signs of losing vigour, it is time to divide and re-propagate, and in these years the old tubers will be lifted, stored in just-damp compost under frost-free cover, and divided or used for cuttings come next spring.

SPLITS AND SPLICES - Geraniums, persicaria and the likes of Achillea can be cut back hard, lifted with a fork and teased apart. Reuse only the healthiest, outer growth and discard the oldest material on to the compost heap. With warmth still in the ground, the roots will take hold before winter sets in.

GET GROWING - October is the start of the planting season, and material planted now will benefit from the months ahead to get roots in. Be wary of planting evergreens in exposed sites, however, as they are prone to drying out in winter winds. If you are prepared to water in winter, so much the better and get them in too.

RAKE'S PROGRESS - To make the most of the moment let autumn foliage lie where you can. Beware of build-up on precious lawns and rake them free to prevent browning off of the grass. If you want to instill order without breaking your back, keep paths and terraces free for the contrast of order. An autumn feed to stimulate root growth is worth applying on lawns that get a lot of wear in the summer.

SOW MUCH BETTER - Sweet peas can be sown into pots to over-winter in a sheltered position or a frame, and October is still a good time to sow lawns and meadows.

HARVEST GOLD - Pumpkin and gourds can be harvested now and moved into a dry position to prevent them from rotting. Pick windfall apples for cooking and twist those on the tree half a turn to see if they're ripe. If so, they'll come away with a satisfying snap. The unblemished can be stored in a cool shed to last into the winter months. Hoarding is a good feeling that must be locked in to our DNA, for there is nothing like providing for the future.

Image: Fall gardening -

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