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National Hug Day

Jan 21, 2018

This day according to is an annual holiday created by Rev. Kevn Zaborney. It was founded in 1986 and has since spread to countries outside the United States.

Today was established as a public holiday to help everyone show more emotion in public. There is only one way you are to celebrate the holiday, and that is to offer a HUG to anyone and everyone. Whether you hug a family member or a stranger, the mental and physical health benefits are the same.

Because January is in the depths of winter and people can be at an emotional low, it was felt that bringing hugging back into people's lives would brighten moods and be a health benefit.

Studies have shown that human contact has many health benefits. It has been found that human contact, is important in psychological and physical development. Hugging can also help build a good immune system, decrease the risk of heart disease, and decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol in women. It has been shown that a couple who hugs for 20 seconds has higher levels of oxytocin. According to the American Psychosomatic Society, a hug with a partner can help reduce stress, and its harmful physical effects. In a study, adults who had no contact with people had higher blood pressure and heart rate.

Science aside, a warm hug can brighten anyone's day! Go give hug to someone you know and really brighten their day... and if you have the courage to do it, hug a stranger and make them smile!

Image: National hug day logo -

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