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National French Fries Day

Jul 13, 2016

In this brief article from we find that an American staple actually has its own day to celebrate it being a part of our gastronomic menu.

Today is National French Fries Day! French fries are the ultimate feel-good food, and there are dozens of different ways to enjoy them. Whether you prefer your fries Cajun-style and spicy, sweet, crinkle-cut, curly, waffle, or covered in chili and cheese, today is the day to celebrate this American favorite.

Although the exact origin of French fries is unknown, one theory suggests that they date back to 17th century Belgium. The inhabitants of this region often cooked small fried fish to accompany their meals. When weather conditions made it too dangerous to go fishing, they cut up potatoes in long, thin strips (to resemble the fish) and fried them!

Today, French fries are a global phenomenon. Whether it’s “pommes frites” in France, “patatas fritas” in Spain, or “chips” in the UK, French fries are a worldwide favorite. Grab an order of fries today to celebrate National French Fries Day!

Today is also International Puzzle Day and Embrace Your Geekness Day.

Image: A dish of French Fries - Wikipedia

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