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Most Misspelled Words in Each State

Jul 2, 2018

Images: ABC children's blocks & of individual states-

We all have that one moment when writing that makes us think twice about how a word is spelled. Luckily, spell check is included in most word processing software nowadays but a hand-written note can pose quite the problem. Here in a Lifestyles article from, we find the single most misspelled words in America by state.

Some are whimsical, some are downright silly and one word seems to elude people in many, many states! Book sales of one particular series by E.L. James must not have made a big impression...

Alabama: Resume
Alaska: Desire
Arizona: Definitely
Arkansas: Diarrhea
California: Gray
Colorado: Receipt
Connecticut: Cancelled
Delaware: Paronycha (a fungal nail disease)
Florida: Gray
Georgia: Pneumonia
Hawaii: Pterodactyl
Idaho: Antelope
Illinois: Gray
Indiana: Gray
Iowa: Gray
Kansas: Gray
Kentucky: Jealous
Louisiana: Paran (main desert in eastern Sinai peninsula)
Maine: Frustrated
Maryland: Sincerely
Massachusetts: Gray
Michigan: Gray
Minnesota: Gray
Mississippi: Niece
Missouri: Maintenance
Montana: Diagnose
Nebraska: Seizures
Nevada: Gorgeous
New Hampshire: Cancelled
New Jersey: Hanukkah
New Mexico: Anniversary
New York: Hanukkah
North Carolina: Cancelled
North Dakota: Gray
Ohio: Gray
Oklahoma: Hors d'oeuvres
Oregon: Hallelujah
Pennsylvania: Hanukkah
Rhode Island: Magnetism
South Carolina: Resume
South Dakota: Borrow
Tennessee: Pneumonia
Texas: Beautiful
Utah: Ornery
Vermont: Radiator
Virginia: Gray
Washington: Vacuum
West Virginia: Relax
Wisconsin: Chihuahua
Wyoming: Jealous

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