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Mercury Station Direct

Jul 31, 2019

Image: Mercury set to go forward -

Mercury direct today, at 23° Cancer 57?, carries on the challenging theme, though not to the same extent as the first two Mercury retrograde phases according to

Mercury opposite Pluto is much easier to deal with without Mars opposite Pluto, as was the case with Mercury entering the retrograde zone. And the orb is one degree wider than back then too.

So while there will still be intense debates, there is much less likelihood of threats, intimidation and other forms of psychological abuse. But propaganda, secrecy, mind control, superiority complexes, and obsessions are still possible.

Mercury direct conjunct the competitive fixed star Pollux still brings the risk of arguments. But compared to the first two phases of Mercury retrograde 2019, this is a good time for research, investigation and uncovering secrets.

Psychological self-analysis or relationship counseling could lead to positive transformation in your thinking as deeper levels of understanding are reached. Finally, Mercury leaves the retrograde zone on Thursday, August 15, 2019, at 04°27? Leo (see chart).

Kiss Mercury Retrograde Goodbye!

Planet Mercury is turning direct!

If you've spent the last three weeks or so feeling mentally scrambled, misunderstood or just plain indecisive, relief is near according to That's because Mercury, the planet that rules the mind, is turning direct on July 31, 2019, after having gone through another one of its retrograde phases.

When Mercury is not operating smoothly there can be plenty of mishaps related to anything ruled by Mercury -- whether its transportation, commerce or communication. Now that Mercury has stationed direct, it will need a few days to regulate its orbit and then you'll be good to go. Any delay, frustration or confusion surrounding Mercury-ruled matters will soon find resolution.

So, what does it mean when Mercury goes direct?

A planet changing motion is a potent phenomenon. Remember, Mercury has been out of its usual forward orbit for three weeks, so turning direct again will not be as easy as declaring "On your mark, get set, go!" and watching Mercury zoom out. Ahhh, if only it were that simple.

What really happens when a planet moves from retrograde to direct motion is more akin to waking up from a deep slumber. Mercury will need time to drink some cosmic coffee and fully regain consciousness.

It won't be until Mercury reaches the degree where it originally turned retrograde and then passes it that you'll know Mercury truly has its full strength back. That tends to take a couple of weeks. But don't stress -- this time frame is nothing at all like the Mercury Retrograde cycle.

In fact, now you'll be ready to apply whatever it is you've learned during the retrograde period into your current reality. It only takes a few days of Mercury being back on track for you to notice the difference. From here on out the planet will get stronger every day!

What's interesting is that while Mercury will need time to regulate its orbit, the very day of its stationing direct can be a potent time. It's like Merc will be jolted awake for a short time (remember Mom screaming at you to wake up or you'll be late for school?). During this day or even the next, it's likely you'll experience incredible clarity about whatever issues you've been grappling with during Mercury Retrograde.

Be patient, though ... it will take just a little more time before you're ready to execute your newfound lucidity with success.

In the meantime, now that Mercury is direct, over the next few days you are free to sign contracts, schedule vital meetings, have a significant conversation and make important decisions or purchases. Remain confident as you push ahead with anything that requires cerebral muscle.

Mercury finally has its mojo back!

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