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Marco Polo - the Game

Aug 28, 2016

It may be nearing the end of August, but pools are still open and appreciated. Here, from Wikipedia, we have a rather scientific explanation of a childhood game that is fun and fills the time between entering the pool and lunch!

Players: 2 or more
Setup Time: Less than one minute
Playing Time: No time limit
Random Chance: Low
Skill(s) Required: Swimming, sound localization

The game Marco Polo /ˈmɑːrkoʊ ˈpoʊloʊ/ is a form of tag played in a swimming pool. The origin of the game is unknown.


One player is chosen as "It". This player closes their eyes and tries to find and tag the other players without the use of vision. The player who is "It" shouts "Marco" and the other players must respond by shouting "Polo", which "It" uses to try toacoustically locate them. If a player is tagged, then that player becomes "It".

The game can also be played on land, with slightly modified rules, or played with the addition of rules fromFish out of Waterand others. It is similar toBlind man's buffwhere one person is blindfolded while others choose hiding places around the room.


The game shares its name in common with the 13th century Venetian trader and explorer Marco Polo, and "legend has it that the famed explorer didn't really have a clue as to where he was going, much like [the "It" person]". Albert explains "No one seems to know what the origins of the name are, although there are a number of apocryphal stories", adding "There does not appear to be any verifiable link between the game of Marco Polo and the explorer of the same name. It is hard to determine when the first game of Marco Polo was played." The game has similar traits with blind man's bluff (essentially the same game played on dry land) and can be considered an offshoot. Wisegeek notes "Blind man's bluff dates back to at least the 16th century, and it was once a very popular parlor game, especially with ladies". Between 1965 and 1970, some respondents to aDictionary of American Regional English survey, when asked to name a game played in the water, responded with "Marco Polo".

In modern times, Marco Polo is played worldwide. Various regions have their own versions of the game, with names such as Mermaid on the Rocks and Alligator. The term "marco polo game" is sometimes used to describe an online game where a similar call-and-response system of game play is adopted.


Marco Polo is an "easily modifiable game", and is based on the notion of call-and-response. Marco Polo is a location-based game because players are confined to a set space and because players must locate each other using auditory clues. Encyclopedia of Play in Today's Society argues "there is bipolarity in the reversal of roles...there are repeated actions, a routine to be repeated, rules to be observed, and verbal signs to be used". Playing this game can allow children to experiment with different social roles, for example learning what it means to be an outcast in the role of "It" (isolated, confined to a space, and unable to see others). According to The Nevada Daily Mail, "Marco Polo is not only fun, it can be a good workout. It also puts less stress on your bones and joints because the water makes your body float."

Image: Kids in a pool -

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