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Making Your Crystal Ball Your Own

Jul 22, 2020

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Scrying, according to Wiki-How, is the ancient practice of staring into a shiny surface until visions appear. These visions can be of the past, present or future. Through the centuries, psychics have used many different tools to develop their scrying abilities. To make his famous prophecies, Nostradamus gazed into a bowl of water, in a darkened, candlelit room. Other psychics have used black mirrors or shiny rocks. But the most recognizable symbol of a psychic is a crystal ball. Many psychics believe that crystal has metaphysical properties, and its clear orb is ideal for gazing deeply into its crystal depths and uncovering the secrets of life and death. But not just any crystal ball will do. You need to know what to look for in order to purchase the right one for you. Here is how to choose a crystal ball.


1 Visit a local psychic, metaphysical or New Age shop. You should find a wide selection of crystal balls. Before touching any of the crystal balls, stand back and just look at them for a few minutes. See if any of them “call” to you. You should feel drawn to your crystal ball, but this is a difficult feeling to explain. You may just like the look of one over another, or one may just seem lit up somehow.

2 Touch and pick up the crystal balls that have called you. If possible, hold each crystal ball in your hands, close your eyes and meditate with it for a few minutes. Feel its energy. Give each crystal ball the same treatment. When you have held all of the orbs that you are drawn to, try to decide which one you feel the most affinity toward.

3 Choose the right size. In general, the bigger the crystal ball, the easier scrying will be for you, but the most important aspect is that the crystal ball has called you. If it is a smaller orb, so be it.

4 Examine the clarity of the crystal. Most natural crystals contain bubbles and imperfections within the ball. Psychics, however, disagree on whether imperfections are a hindrance to scrying. Some psychics prefer a totally clear, flawless ball because they feel it brings them the clearest visions. Others consider a flawless ball to be somewhat dead. Again, use your intuition to guide you in this decision. Does the crystal ball have so many imperfections as to be a distraction, or might they actually add to the depth of your visions? You decide.

5 Choose the proper stand for your crystal ball. Many come with a standard little wooden stand, or you can purchase one separately. Make sure the stand fits the crystal ball. If you do not have a stand for your crystal ball, it will roll around and distract you from your visions.

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