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Magic Spells Guide for Beginners (9 Safety Tips to Know)

Jun 18, 2021

Image: Magic is in the air -

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Tap into the magic all around you with witchcraft says this article excerpt from

Learn magic spells and you can change your life for the better. If you have no experience in performing spells, chants, and rituals, maybe a free spell casting session with professional advisors online might help. The manifestation of magic will improve your mental abilities and solve all difficult situations at times in your life. With our guide to the best spells, you will be able to make right decision and change your fate completely.

What are Magic Spells?

Not everyone understands accurately the word ‘spells’.

Due to its usual stereotype in movies, people often think of spell casting as obscure and dangerous practices cast by mystic witches. Indeed, you will get surprised to know that modern witchcraft is a reliable, spiritual way to express your deepest desires and make them come true.

A spell means a type of ritual in which you need to work with your intentions, energy, and spiritual force to fulfill particular purposes that you long for.

For a spell to be cast successfully, the key is to concentrate on what you want to achieve and stick your mind to right images and words. Be positive during the process and you can unlock the door leading you where you wish. The spell power will strengthen your willpower and make it more consistent.

So, what magic spells really is?

By casting a spell, you are performing a ritual act activating a change or a movement in the path you want your life to go.

In order to achieve the goal, it’s significant to show the symbol of your dedication which includes your focus, energy and effort that you put in performing the ritual. In addition, you must show your gratitude to the Higher Self or Deity at the end of a session. Give thanks to them for their connection and for positively changing your life.

The secret of this realm is to balance your subconscious mind and true purposes of your Higher Self which is hidden. Make sure you are extremely clear about what you truly want; otherwise, the practice will not work at all.

Do Magic Spells Really Work?

Lots of people perform spell casting rituals every day, and they don’t have to be experienced experts in witchcraft. It’s normal to perform spells at home by creating a sacred space in the beginning. When it comes to your personal space, it has to be safe, calm, and full of positive energy.

To cast spells that work fast in a short period, you need to believe in your spell and the way you perform it. As long as you feel empowered when doing it, the magic power will make things you wish come true and change your life.

Whether you are male or female, one of the most important things of mastering the techniques is to enable to get your desires fulfilled in case you want to become a skillful spell casting practitioner. Most of the spell-casters these days must align properly with their inner self to help their clients gain the most. If magic spells are not associated with your inner intentions as well as forward action, they are just worthless.

In other words, getting help from spells and rituals will bring more opportunities to your life; however, it’s still up to your own decisions to grab those opportunities and achieve what you crave for. Your efforts and patience will be worth the wait if you put a great faith in the spell and stay concentrated throughout the session.

Two key elements for effective magic spells are belief and focus.

Can Spells Be Done at Home?

'At home witchcraft,’ is one of modern specialties of spell-casters these days. For your question, the answer is ‘yes’ – the practice of witchcraft or spell casting can be done at home. You don’t have to be a witch or a member of a Coven (a group or gathering of witches) to perform magic rituals. In general, anyone can make use of power of spells to attract a specific person or object they desire into their lives.

Of course you can look for the assistance of professionals in case you don’t have much experience in this realm.

Have a look at the variety of magic spells:

1. Love spells

Talking about the section of love spells, there are indeed plenty of spells to increase the attractiveness, fall in love with a person, improve or strengthen the relationship, recover your ex, revive the love of a couple, reconciliation spells, how to forget a person, avoid infidelities, and so on. No matter what heart issue you are struggling these days, consult a spell and patiently wait for everything to be solved.

Most spell casters online will use love spells with white magic to make you understand your deepest feelings but also assure not to leave any negative effect on you and the person you desire as well.

2. Fortune/wealth spells

Who wouldn’t like to get their luck boosted? Who doesn’t want to their financial status get better? Everything is possible with witchcraft. Like love spells, this kind of spell also has many variations, such as to win the lottery, attract more money, get extra money in work, eliminate debts, etc. If you think you run out of luck in the matter of money, let these lucky spells make a better change to your destiny.

Plus, not only spells, your spell casters also come up with spiritual rituals helping remove negative energy from your body or the place you are living. You can try the sacred bath 2-3 times a month to clean your aura and attract prosperity.

Good luck at work, at money, at home.

3. Health spells

Do you feel unwell? Then spell casters with their powerful health spells will help you feel better. Just tell them your problem and they will come up with a spell that can discharge negative energy, heal your aura, or eliminate physical aches and pains. Never miss this amazing kind of spell for a healthy life.

4. White magic spells

Try out white magic spells for a life full of harmony and happiness. As I told you earlier, spell casters nowadays offer spells and ritual using white magic in order to help you obtain harmony, safety, and peace in all aspects of your life.

So, what is white magic?

It’s believed to be an innocent form of magic which purpose is to help and protect vulnerable people. White magic spells will grant you with good things and never the power of destroying or harming anyone and anything.

By performing rituals and spells using white magic, you will be capable of solving facets of your life in need of harmony, protection, and peace. A white magic spellcaster will explain things you need to know about white magic before starting a session. These amazing spells will clear away negativity and bad habits; at the same time, they will heal your emotional pain, create a protective circle, and make peace.

5. Black magic spells

Opposite to white magic, black magic will fulfill all of your desires without caring whether it is ethical or not. With black magic spells, you can easy get what you want (even hurting others) and also protect yourself from being cursed. In fact, except for the protection purpose, I don’t really recommend you to use black magic, especially casting those dark spells on your own.

Black magic spells are very tricky to perform. Additionally, magic is a sensitive thing and its power is beyond your understanding; hence, it’s not good if you take it lightly or even joke about it.

For anyone interested, check the following information to figure out ways to get started making spells.

What to Know Before Making Spells?

You may feel anxious a bit when it comes to performing a spiritual ritual your own; nonetheless, be confident and try your practice.

#1: Preparing ingredients

There are some spells requiring some particular objects to strengthen the magickal power. The thing is that you don’t have to purchase something really expensive for your incantation. Rather than a healing crystal, you can find other things much cheaper but still getting energetically charged. For a spell cast at home, some popular ingredients are paper, honey, herbs (cinnamon, black pepper, and other spices), and essential oils.

Use candle to enhance the general power of a process.

In case you want to make potions, then cauldrons are needed and you can take advantage of your cooking pots in the kitchen. In fact, keep in mind that once a certain object is repurposed and deemed for the enchantment, it naturally becomes a magickal device. Mystical tools maintain energy; therefore, you must regularly clean them so that they will always be magickal.

#2: Choosing a location

When finding a place for your spell casting incantation, please note that physical doorsills are considered as cosmic entrances. Now look around your house and keep an eye at doorways, window sills, and cracks in the floorboards – those locations symbolize the space between spiritual world and physical world; no wonder they’re ideal portals to create a connection with the cosmos.

So, before planning to practice or cast your magic spells, you should choose one among those excellent places. In order to enhance the possibilities of your chosen spell, the best time to carry out the incantation is the period in which the day and night intersects with one another. Or, the practice of witchcraft can be done during seasonal equinoxes, also.

What to remember?

Once you finally choose a good place to craft your spell, make sure to keep any door you open closed by performing a formal ritual or just chanting the ‘goodbye’ word.

#3: Determining intentions

Well, the one true rule of spell casting is that you should not cast a malicious curse or any spell with bad intentions on others. It’s never good to bring harm to another person, even if they are your enemy and hate you badly. Due to the law of threefold, wicked things you cast on others will return to you with three times more power. It’s understandable as magic works based on the karmic principle.

The results will surely be terrible once the negative energy comes back to the beginning place where it was generated. If you are still hesitant about whether or not you should cast a spell at home, just don’t. Your magickal intentions define your spirit; therefore, only fill your thoughts with positivity, kindness and love.

Spell crafting is mystifying, fun, and empowering.

How to Cast Magic Spells?

Now let’s keep an eye onto 8 steps of crafting a magic spell:

1. Have an altar

Actually you don’t need an actual altar for performing a ritual. Though it’s fine if you have one, many spell casters have no problems working their magic without any ritual. Some will make use of an ordinary table found at home and cover the surface with a white clean cloth, while others just sit on the floor.

If you usually look for free magic spells online, you will easily notice that they mention the word ‘altar’ in every spell. Why? Is it that important? I must say yes, you need a personal sacred place for the magic to manifest well.

2. Preparing a ritual bath

Before crafting your first spell, you need to cleanse away the negative energy by taking a spiritual bath. The benefit of this method is to prepare your subconscious mind for the upcoming ritual. Taking the daily shower is not enough because it just keeps your body clean and fresh; that’s why you need the ritual bath to find the peace in mind.

Though not all magic rituals ask you to cast a circle of protection, it’s still a good idea to draw a simple circle at the beginning of your spell casting session. Not only preventing bad energies from distracting you, the spiritual ritual also helps balance your mental state for the process to be filled with only peace and positivity.

3. Defining your intention

Intentions are very significant in the practice of witchcraft. What is your intent? What do you want to achieve? When working with the Spiritual Force, you have to be as much specific as possible. Don’t be too general, or it will bring confusions to your spell. Moreover, avoid using negative words or sentences.

Let me remind you again that you must have good purposes in case you need the assistance from magic spells. Your wish or desire should be either for your own good or for the happiness of everyone. The spell will definitely work if both your intention and thought are pure and have no trace of negativity.

The effective way for this is to write down your intentions in your spiritual journal or just a piece of paper. When writing it down, you need to describe your desire with clear, meaningful words, helping you understand things you want better. What’s more? It’s better to not use ‘I want’ when sending your messages to the universe. You’re advised to say ‘I am gratitude for everything that I was given in this life.’

4. Lighting up candles

Let’s assume the spell you choose requires candles. After determining your deepest intent, it’s time to light the candles placed on your altar. This act in the ritual indicates the start of a change which is about to happen in your life. In the magickal realm, candles are commonly used because of their powerful spiritual connection.

Each part of a candle associated with a different element of the universe:

Since the flame is considered as the purifier of all energies, it represents the Fire element.

The hot wax melting and dripping down is the image of Water.
The wax indicates the Earth element as it’s connected to the nature.
Lastly, the smoke from the flame embodies the Air element.

Using candles in a sacred ritual is beneficial and enlightening. Not only enhancing the magic power, but candles also refreshen your mood and changing your mindset in a more positive way.

A particular color and the flame of each candle will attract different energies for your different needs. This ingredient has great healing powers; thus, it’s likely a must in any spell casting session. Remember to choose the candle color depending on your circumstance and intention.

5. Doing the meditation

This is the step in which you need to meditate on your goal.

The very first step is to empty your mind, and then focus only on the ultimate purpose that you truly want. According to legit spell casters, meditation is very significant in the art of casting magic spells. Of course praying with candles and placing ingredients on the altar are not enough for the magic to manifest. The key to make your spell work is to concentrate on your intention for a long period.

When performing a spell, you need to concentrate on the ultimate purpose. That focus later will be converted to the form of energy. This stage is extremely crucial so you cannot mix it with fear, doubt, or negative emotions; otherwise, that energy will be weakened and scattered at the end of the session.

6. Chanting or making a prayer

After staying fixed on your intentions by meditating and visualizing, you have to chant a spell or say some magic words. With this step, you will send your messages to the universe and wait for the spell to come true. As I already mentioned, please be specific and detailed in every word.

To finish the spell, please say thanks to the universe for listening to your desire.

Claim SPECIAL PROMOTION with a spell casting NOW!

Final Words

Your life will be getting better with a touch of magic.

Always keep in mind that negative emotions are never good for magic spells casting process. You should eliminate your fear, anxiety, and envy before casting your own spell. Hope this guide can help you succeed in the first experience!

Freely look for the support from professional spell casters online whenever you need advanced advice and outcome.

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