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Love Superstitions

May 15, 2016

Image: crossed fingers for good luck - Wikipedia

In this collection of love superstitions from we see what we must beware of and how we must act in order to insure that the love of our life comes into it.

It is said that if a man gathers ten leaves of ivy on Hallowe'en night, tosses one away over his left shoulder, and puts the rest under his pillow, when he dreams he'll see the face of the person he will wed. For a woman to dream of her future lover, it is said that she should sleep with a mirror under her pillow instead of ivy. Or, she can hard boil an egg, remove the yolk and replace it with a sprinkling of salt. Eat that salted white of the egg alone for her dinner and, as she sleeps, she will dream of her future mate. But, if that woman should indeed meet the man of her dreams and is careless enough to sit on a table to talk to him, the marriage she hopes for will never take place.

A woman who is proposed to at a dance, party, or public function, and turns the man down, for some unknown reason is said to be lucky in love and have a great future after that. Maybe that's because she didn't allow a gathering of people to sway her opinionsand she was made of the right stuff in the first place.

It is said that a man with no hair on his chest will eventually be a thief, but a man who does have hair on his chest has the ability for great success in his life. I guess that if he just has a moderate amount of hair on his chest he could be a successful thief! Should a man wear his hat backwards, this denotes he isa fool and should be avoided, but if a woman puts on a man's hat, that indicates that she wishes to be kissed; some feel this includes the baseball cap as well.

If your lady should ever turn down your amorous intentions by feigning a headache, do not despair gentlemen, for you can simply cure this by getting her to stick her thumb in her mouth and push up against the roof of her mouth. This actually has some basis in truth for there is a pressure point on the roof of the mouth that can, and often will, alleviate some headaches.

Never turn a boiling kettle around so that the spout faces the wall. If you do you will never find a spouse.

Never walk under a ladder if you are single and wish to wed for it is said that you'll have no chance of it happening for at least another year. If you do inadvertently walk under a ladder all is not lost. Immediately cross your fingers and don't uncross them until you see a dog, then you should be okay.

Any year that is a leap year is a great time to look for love. The 29th of February is a day that is said to be a wonderful time for a woman to propose to the one she wishes to wed, but be warned that it is also a safe time for the one she proposes toturn down the proposal without fear of bad luck for the coming year. To block the man from having good luck and to let him know that she can do this, the woman should wear red underwear that is visible to the man, particularly a red slip that just barely shows beneath the hem of her skirt. Perhaps this is where the phrase "a scarlet woman" came from.

The scent of vanilla is said to encourage the act of love, while having the scent of lavendar on pillows and sheets afterward is said to make the moment linger with extremely fond memories of the adventure that took place - even if it wasn't all that great.

A love letter or Valentine card should always be written in ink if one is sincere; if it's written in pencil it denotes merely a schoolyard romance that is short-lived. If your hand trembles while you write that card or letter that indicates that the one you are writing to feels the same towards you. Even better is if the ink you use should blot or drip or make odd marks upon the paper or card,that denotes that the one you are writing to is thinking of you at the same time.

It is said to be unlucky for a couple to wed upon either oftheir birthdays because oneor the other mayhave an early demise - a warning to not tempt fate. But, it is said to be great luck for a couple to share a birthdate, even if several years apart, for this denotes that the union will be long and fruitful in many ways.

Marigolds are seen as charms of love, as are sprigs of Rosemary which are especially beneficial for men - it improves their memories. Should a man want a strong-willed wife he should check to see how well any Sage is growing in her garden; if it grows profusely, then she's strong - if it is weak and spindly, then she's easily manipulated and shouldn't be trusted. But, if he marries that woman and her Sage plant goes to flower, then both will experience bad luck in their marriage.

If an unmarried female plucks a puffy Dandelion and blows the blossom into the wind, the amount of puffs she must take to clean the stem is said to indicate how many years she will have to wait to find her true love.

If you have a good dream on Friday night about someone you care for, it is always a great idea to talk about that dream on Saturday for the goodness in the dream will manifest and have a good chance of coming true.

It is said to be (and bring) good luck ifmanure is scattered completely around the perimeter of the property in which a couple resides. It is uniquely symbolic of growth and glad tidings, as well as great for the garden; it wards off evil intentions along with unwanted guests, too.

There is a story that tells of a woman standing by and whistling while Jesus was being nailed upon the cross. For this reason it is said to avoid trying to have a warm and loving relationship with a woman who likes to whistle; she'll be cold, uncaring, and dispassionate in her marriage.

If you have a wish for love to come to you, find a length of red cotton yarn or string with a knot in it and have someone pull one end while you pull the other. If the string breaks, whichever person has the knot will get their wish.

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