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Local Winds: The Mistral, The Santa Ana, The Chinook, The Foehn & The Helm

Mar 29, 2019

Image: Meteo vento -

As wind blows over a mountain range and sinks down on the other side, it will create an area of high pressure along with clear skies according to and

This will result in the rising of the temperature, giving warmth to the wind.

Depending on the mountain ranges, the direction of the winds, and the lands the winds are forced through, there can be many different and powerful effects.

Winds can rapidly melt snow as in the case of Switzerland's Foehn wind or the Northern U.S. and Canada's Chinook.

Foehn wind -

Foehn type winds (such as the chinook or the helm wind) are known for their rapid temperature rise, their desiccating effect and the rapid disappearance of snow cover.

The föhn (German) is a generic term for warm strong and often very dry downslope winds that descend in the lee of a mountain barrier. Originally applied to winds in the European Alps region, the term is now used for all similar winds. Föhn type winds (such as the chinook or the helm wind) are known for their rapid temperature rise, their desiccating effect and the rapid disappearance of snow cover.

Helm wind –

The helm wind is basically a föhn-type lee wave caused by a prevailing north-easterly flow, blowing at a more or less right angle to the Cross Fell Range.

The helm wind can last for days and is most strongly felt at Milburn, but is also noticeable all along the Fellside.

An ideal setting for the phenomenon is a moderate, stable NNE to E wind over the Pennines. The wind speed is intensified as it drops the steep 600m escarpments to the Eden Valley. Near Penith it ceases abruptly, though its roarings can still be heard, only to rise again a few kilometres away as the normal gusty north-easter.

Mistral wind -

The Mistral - Caused by air that is cooled as it moves over the mountains, The Mistral has an effect on a large part of western Europe. (1)

Usually developing from a Cold Front, The Mistral blows southward across France to the Mediterranean. It will often bring with it high seas and cooler, dryer, squally Summers for the region.

Santa Ana wind -

The Santa Ana - Blowing during the Spring and Fall, California's Santa Ana is a dry, hot wind that averages 40 miles per hour - unless it is blowing through the mountain passes, when it can reach hurricane force.

It is the combination of heat, dryness, and this wind that fuels the wildfires this region is known for.

Chinook wind -

The Chinook - In Canada and the Northern U.S., where the Rocky Mountains meet the Prairies/Plains, the Chinook winds blow, often marking the end of Winter.

This wind can elevate temperatures from as far below -20°C to as high as 10° - 20° C for a few hours or days, after which temperatures will again drop to their regular levels.

This wind has been referred to as a "Snow Eater".

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