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Listen to the Live Interview with Natalie and Nicole Goott

Nov 17, 2023

Nicole Goott, is a writer, facilitator, experienced yoga teacher, multi-disciplined healer, and spiritual mentor. She is a passionate and dedicated teacher, motivated to guide others in their journey of self-discovery and how to live a joy-filled life. Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, Nicole moved to the United States when she was twenty-four years old, following an inner call to discover her dharma.

With a calling and passion for teaching, Nicole is motivated to lead others in their journey to remembering the essence of who they are and how to live a life of joy and celebration.
Her teaching, mentoring, and healing approach reflects a fusion and synthesis of more than two decades of study in Yoga, Ayurveda, and related healing arts practices, as well as mindfulness-based approaches to self-healing. Nicole's life and teaching philosophy is expressed in three statements: Every moment is an opportunity to realize the nature of your true Self. Practice kindness towards yourself and all other sentient beings. Live lightly on the Earth and in harmony with Nature.

Nicole lives with her husband surrounded by water and mountains in the lakes region of New Hampshire, USA.

BOOK(S):Yoga and the Five Elements: Spiritual Wisdom for Everyday Living - Dec 1, 2023

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