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Life Stories By StarzAstroWand/Small Words

Dec 8, 2018

Small Words......

I'm not saying working toward a good life is a bad thing. We go to school, we belong to organizations, we learn to get along with people, we learn to work, and just be a functional person in a world that is always in a development stage. But I am saying that sometimes the smallest thing can make the biggest difference, and we could never imagine how. Don't rule anything out.

I had a job as assistant manger of a country club. Sounds mucky muck but it wasn't, it was low wage, waiting tables, tending bar, ordering everything, keeping the peace between the mucky mucks of the town who chose to hang out there and play golf. Doctors, lawyers, CEO's, owners; you name it, they were there, so I did my best to live 'up' to their level hence the 'title' I was awarded.

Life was more than difficult at the time. My two kids and I lived in a small apartment, we managed to eat, drive a car that ran most of the time, but the kids were not babies anymore and the older they got the more they needed and I was not sure how I was going to provide it. I did, however, know when we paint ourselves into a corner, we learn a lot about how to fix it. Little did I know what was on the way, and how a small word opened a world I could never have imagined.

The tables at the bar of the country club were full of golfers coming in for a beer and lunch, all in good moods after eight hours of whacking a small ball around on expensive chunks of grass. (I tried it once and ended up plowing the fields with a little metal stick and decided it was probably not for me.) I delivered a plate of lunch to a table of guys and one of them said "thank you" in Japanese. (sounded like Doe Mah Tee Gahtoe). Without batting an eyeball I said, in Japanese, 'you are welcome' (sounds like Doe tash De Mashta), bowed and walked back to the bar. I turned around to see if everyone was settled and if I had forgotten anything and saw the thank-you man sitting there with his mouth hanging open! I said, "Is everything okay?" He laughed and blurted out: "No one has ever known what I said or how to answer it! I laughed and as I walked behind the bar I said: "I used to be married to a sailor, I know things!"

If anyone at that moment would have told me what was going to happen I would have offered them a drink and said tell me more... But, to this day, I cannot believe how one small little word exchange opened my entire life from that moment on. My Entire Life. A life that affected my children, their friends, indeed everyone whose life touched and blended with ours from that moment on, one of which is famous, but at that moment, just a kid.

Mr. 'Word' asked me out. We dated. We married about a year later. He bought a home. We lived in a home, the kids had their own bedroom. My husband had a good job and good insurance and because of that my son's hearing was restored and as a result my son was able to make a very good life for himself. My daughter had school friends and the whole gang turned out to be amazing! Smart, well employed and lived very good lives.. Because I knew how to say 'you are welcome' in Japanese.

The message is, stay in touch. Never rule anything out. Treat others as you want to be treated, and realize how you act determines what you get back. We get back what we give out. It's okay to be sad, but then tell yourself something good even if its just something simple! Keep it simple, appreciate the small things and know for a fact life will send what you need, just know you deserve it. You Are Welcome!

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Image: 133466182 Date: Nov 30, 2018

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