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Life Stories By StarzAstroWand/"Nevada Job"

Jan 25, 2019

Nevada Job

I was on the California coast in an area I loved. Perfect weather, scenery no one could find anything wrong with, soft and organized, a feel of ancient perfection wrapped with greenery and warmth. But it was run by rich people and a college town. I was running out of money and could not buy a job since college kids would work for almost nothing, so I was not sure what to do next! Then, as always, the phone rang. One of the other roomies banged on my door, I picked up the phone, it was a man saying: "I am friends with your friend Linda in Idaho. She said you did good work, and were looking for a job, and I am looking for someone to work our bar and restaurant in the middle of nowhere Nevada." I said: " I can be there in 5 days." The next page in my odd book was turning and another adventure was in the works.

I had been to parts of Nevada but not the part where the job was waiting. According to the map one of the roads leading to 'no where' went through Las Vegas, and since I have family there it was my first stop. After visits, sleep, hugs and waves I headed north, and started driving through a beautiful, huge, wide area that had mountains and desert but not much else! It was considered the Great Basin and I even went through Area 51! I wanted to see aliens but figured that had to wait, I had a job to get to. Some hours later I ended up in a tiny little settlement on the Loneliest Highway in the World. It was beautiful, I felt at home immediately. Finding the restaurant was no problem since there were only two in town. The town itself was from the old west, about 4 blocks long and two blocks wide, and all of the traffic from the Lonely Highway went through those 4 blocks. I liked it as soon as I got there.

I walked in to the bar in late afternoon, and the owner-of-the-bar-that-I-had-never-met looked at his watch and said: "You made pretty good time!"

I said: "I got held up in Area 51 with an alien, but otherwise, yeah, the road just kept going!" I fit in perfectly, I felt at home, and I was home for the winter as far as I was concerned. I forgot to remember my life is usually full of alien people, and they were never far away.

I got a room in the hotel that had been in service for over 100 years. Old and run down, saggy but clean, shared bathrooms, family owned, you could go downstairs into their big kitchen and eat if you wanted to. It was like renting a family, and I was treated like one immediately... also, the boss-at-work had called ahead, so as far as everyone was concerned, I was home. Just like that! Just one phone call and I walked into a town of strangers and an hour later I was home. To say small, isolated towns are tight-knit would be an understatement.

The next day I went into the bar and was shown what was where, then went across the street to the restaurant he and his wife owned. She handed me an order book and said: " The people at Table 1 are waiting to place an order." That's all there was to it. I put on an apron, and waited tables till things slowed down, went across the street to the bar, served drinks, chatted with people, was shown the big building attached to the bar that was never used anymore but was like walking back in time. There were huge old western bars and dance floors and stages, everything was thick, elegant wood and looked like I was in a movie set. Boss-at-work said: "This little town used to be a going concern, there are mines not far away, and as you saw, it's one of the only roads from one side of the state to the other. The Pony Express and stage coaches used to stop here, but life has changed." I grinned. I didn't have to worry about money or a job or having people to be around, I was home... or so I thought.

Back then there were no cell phones, and my room didn't have a phone either, so I had to call my Mom on a pay phone in the restaurant to let her know I was doing okay so she could call the kids and let everyone know where I was. She was upset. She said: "Why are you in that town! What are you doing?!"

I said: " I am waiting tables, why? What's going on?" She said: "The husband that you left a month ago, has called everyone in your phonebook and told them you are working at a Brothel in Nevada! Everyone in the family is upset!" I stood staring at the phone. "They believe it?!! Coming from an insane man they believe I am a sex worker?!" The week that started out nice was running down hill, and it would get worse. I called my recently-separated-husband, and chewed him out using almost every word that would fit the occasion. I forgot I was in the restaurant at the back wall on a pay phone. The entire town was instantly aware of everything as every word was spoken.

I took a few minutes to calm down, got the restaurant taken care of as the customers pretended they had not heard anything, then went across the street to the bar to talk to boss-at-work. I told him what happened. He laughed and said: "well we don't have a legal brothel here in town, but the cooks wife is in the back room earning some money for booze once in a while, does that count?" I laughed. How could you not. This was a state where a lot of things were legal and no one thought anything about it.

I said: "It will be fine! But if it's all the same to you I will skip earning money that way!" I thought okay, its taken care of. The family and friends had been contacted, I could let it go and settle in. Nope.

The next afternoon I went to work at the club. The-boss-at-work looked nervous. "I got a phone call," he stuttered, "it was your husband. He said if you were not out of this town by the end of the week he was going to come here, get up on the hill and start killing people as a sniper." My jaw hit the floor. He continued: "Now, you don't have to go anywhere! I won't let anyone tell me what to do, and we will all defend you," he said as he glanced out the window just like everyone else in the bar was doing. They were nodding their heads, saying they wanted me to stay, then glancing outside to see if there was a sniper up on the hill. I just sighed, sat down AT the bar next to a nice lady who shoved her beer over to me, and totally unlike me, I helped myself.

I said: "He is nuts, we were only married a year and... he is nuts. This is something he is capable of and I can't put a whole town in danger. Looks like I am on the road again."

The boss immediately reached into his pocket and handed me a large handful of money. "Here's a weeks pay, sorry to see you go." I worked till 3 AM, went to the hotel for some sleep, loaded the car and drove away. No destination, no plans, no idea what to do next, but no one was going to die because of me. It sounded like Fate had other things for me to do. After a few hours driving the Pony Express route, I relaxed and thought, 'well, okay... what's next?' Because with me, in this current life adventure, there was always a 'next'...

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Image: 133466182 Date: Nov 30, 2018

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