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Life Stories By StarzAstroWand/"Idaho Surprise"

Jan 4, 2019

Idaho Surprise!

Most of our lives we have reasons for doing what we are doing. Most of the time our actions are based on survival - work, money, love, family. But there are times in life when we have no idea why we are doing what we are doing. It just seems to be the right choice at the time, and a lot of times all we can do is ride it out to see if the path will fall apart, or take us to a good place. Realizing our life depends on the choices we make is helpful. But there are other times when the choice is not clear! We can't see the outcome but feel willing to see where it goes, so... We flip the coin and hope for the best...

I was sitting in a Motel staring out the window. I knew I had to find a place to live and another job. I left a good job in a really pretty city for several reasons but the main one was I knew if I stayed there I would do the same thing every day, day in and day out, and apparently that was not what I wanted out of life at the moment. Instead of accepting the promotion, I gave 30 day notice, hired a new store manager, sold everything that would not fit in my car and drove away. I was healthy, mature, experienced and on the road. It was not the fact that I was without a job or a home or a husband that was causing my mind to bounce around, it was trying to decide what would be the more interesting adventure. South, a nice little town and interesting people? Or east, a new state and a spare bedroom offered by friends who were moving there this weekend.. Flipped a coin, it came up East. In about 8 hours I was in another motel in a nice city in a new state ready to see what this adventure had to offer.

I have to say it was nice but challenging the minute it got started. Helping my friends move into their new place I realized they really were not sure of their choice to move and were feeling uncomfortable to the point they did not bring the bulk of their belongings. The new place consisted of some clothing, some kitchen gear, a couple of air mattresses, and two cats who were more than upset with the new place. It was apparent this was not a sure thing, so I knew I had to get something going to see what my choices would need to be. applied for a job selling insurance that required me going to Salt Lake City for two weeks for training. I thought what the heck, the script is unfolding, let's just see where it leads. A week later I found myself in a very Mormon town and was learning things that boggled my mind, but after a week in training the instructor asked me if I wanted to hang out after class, and as we were sitting in a theater about a block away from the huge Mormon tabernacle eating popcorn watching a porn movie I grinned; this was all starting to take shape as another adventure. The instructor did not get what he wanted, but I did. I saw another adventure in the works.

As the training situation was ending word went out that there was a company award/sales meeting in a small town in Idaho and those who had been hired (me being one of them) were welcome to stop by and see how the company worked. The drive up to Ketchum, Idaho from Salt Lake City was simply fantastic, breath taking. It was where Earnest Hemingway had lived and died, there were mountains and villages and amazing scenery.

I shared a room with three other girls, and after the beautiful dinner and meeting, everyone was welcome to enjoy their free time at a beautiful village. There were about three of us walking around the small town, having a drink here and there, exploring all the interesting places such as seeing where Hemingway died then someone passing by us said, "Clint Eastwood is in town, he's making a movie up here!" Well, I turned to one of my insurance buddies and took advantage of the positive thinking of the company I had just become part of and yelled: "My goal tonight is to meet Clint Eastwood!" The guy standing next to me agreed loudly and off we went, one place then another until we finally came back to our hotel empty handed but having had a great time. Then, quite by chance someone walking by mentioned Clint Eastwood was at a private bar in this hotel! My luck was flowing again! We looked, we found, and we quietly walked down into the bar like we belonged there. Clint was at the bar talking to people.

My partner and I nonchalantly walked closer to Clint. I turned my back to Clint and as my friend and I started chatting as if we belonged there, I slowly backed up closer and closer to Clint, until our hips touched. He turned around, smiled, said: "Hi" and slowly walked away in deep conversation with his director. Clint Eastwood and I touched hips. He said Hi! I was thrilled! This trip was shaping up as a very different adventure! I was grinning ear to ear thinking the insurance job is showing a lot of promise when a man walked up to me and said: " Are you supposed to be here?" I laughed and said: "Probably not but it was great! Thank you!" As I wobbled back to my room, my goal for the night achieved, I knew I would play it out in Idaho. It had showed signs of being another adventure, and I was along for the ride. Was I supposed to be there? Time would tell...

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Image: 133466182 Date: Nov 30, 2018

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