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Life Stories by StarzAstroWand - "Moments of Logic"

Oct 18, 2019

Moments of Logic

Everything in life is an ingredient... Sort of makes us who we are, or adds to the original recipe which eventually determines how we end up. Who we are and what we want is at the core of it all. Then add how we are taken care of, how we are treated, what happens to us at influential stages and it shows life is always a work in progress, tossing some things out, allowing other things in, and eventually our basic self is formed. Things can change here and there, but it seems our 'self' becomes the core on which everything else is added and subtracted.

For an example, I knew a boy who was next to the last of 12 children born to parents who had no set status, drank a lot, and worked at labor jobs. First time he took me to meet the family, his father and one of his sisters were drunk, in a bed, in a living room with a dirt floor and chickens running around. This boy always had a lifetime drinking problem but he also went to college and became a nurse then a physician assistant for an orthopedic surgeon. The basic self was what took over with him. He had a good life.

The basic self is not always visible. We have all heard about people who lived an ordinary life with a good job and family but turned out to be a serial killer and not one person he knew suspected anything. And there's the kid from a good family who turns in to a crook spending his life in and out of jail. Not sure what that is called.

But I believe the basics we teach kids actually do some good... eventually.

My husband was a hunter. Even though he was one of the nicest, steady, problem-free people I had ever met, he enjoyed killing and eating wild animals. My Mother's family were also hunters and there were times when the only food on the table were things they grew and the game they 'took'. No one really thought all that much about it since it was a legal and natural thing to do, and the hunters were basic, hard working people who were putting food on the table. But I never could stand to see anything killed in any circumstance, so when I was handed something to cook, or slice up, I forced myself to just keep quiet and try to accept the fact that things die to feed things that are alive and get on with life.

One day my husband, his father and his brother were out hunting Elk. Elk are big, beautiful animals and even though I ate the meat, I always apologized to the poor thing just before adding gravy. The three hunters were walking along the edge of a ravine when suddenly down in the small narrow valley they saw a bull Elk. The brothers told their father to take the shot. And so he did. The Elk dropped in his tracks and they all hurried down the side of the hill to see the kill. As they approached the Elk, there were three men from the other side of the ravine also running down toward the dead animal. They all arrived at the same moment and stood there kind of staring at each other wondering what was gong on.

Then one of the other men said, "My father shot this Elk". It was his way of claiming the kill. But then my husband said: "My father shot this Elk." Each man had, indeed, aimed and shot the Elk at the same time but from opposite sides of the ravine. All six of the men did a thorough examination of the Elk and determined there were, indeed, two bullet holes and either one of them could have been deadly. Now was the time a person's 'real self' would step in and to this day I was amazed about all six of these men. They agreed that it was a total fluke that both fathers shot and killed the same animal at the same moment so the animal should be fairly divided between them. And that is what happened. The guns were laid down and all of them got busy butchering the body of the Elk dividing it all up into two equal portions.

This is the story, and the meat my husband came home with. I felt very thankful that everyone involved were from a similar honest background because there were six armed men standing next to a body of meat that was worth quite a bit of money but no one else was shot! Everyone's basic nature kicked in, and the Elk was the only victim. I gave thanks, and prepared the kitchen for my job as the butcher. I told the Elk I was sorry, but... It fed us all for many months.

Such is life. Acknowledge and guard your basic self. It will serve you well. Just add the gravy.

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Image: 133466182 Date: Nov 30, 2018

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