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Life Stories by StarzAstroWand - "Life Again"

Jan 17, 2020

Life Again

Life is one large ongoing lesson. It's constant training for something we never know anything about until we find ourselves in a pile of wrinkles looking out the last window of life. At the end we discover the only meaning in life is to stay alive as long as we can before finding ourselves in front of the "out" door. We have all seen brilliant people who are born already knowing life such as the kid who can play the piano or who knows things at an age it is impossible to know. It is obvious that some people have already been here, they know the tricks and many of them try to help others find an easier path in this lesson of life. What if you were one of those returns? What if we could give it all another try?

We are born with an implanted urge to survive. From day one we do what it takes to get food and be in a survivable environment. Everything born has that built-in survival instinct. That's why babies cry. Our life on this earth is meant to make sure life on Earth continues. Human beings have evolved and developed personal preferences mixed with the survival mode. And since we know for sure the only way those genius children are the way they are is because an energy that belonged to someone else has somehow become part of another living being, it tells us there is more to all of this life stuff than we could ever imagine. All of us have to figure out what we believe and how to use our information to live a good life without hurting others. Considering everything we do affects someone else in some way, what would you change if you could go back in time?

I, personally, think human beings need to do all they can to change the mating/reproducing instincts that dictate our actions from about age 12. I can tell you the main purpose of this life-on-Earth began with survival and reproduction urges to make sure life continued. For some reason it is just built in to mate and reproduce... simple as that. That urge/instinct rules us, dictates all of our actions whether we want it or not. Even in this day and age men still have such strong sexual urges they will do just about anything to satisfy it. And women are programmed to have a mate! She may not have the same sexual urge as the male, but she quickly figures out if handled correctly she can use that urge to get what she wants, a home and family.

I am certain if a woman is raised to put who she is as a person first, what she wants the world to be like, what her interests are, and how to support herself, life as we know it would change and improve. The world would progress from the basic mating urges to all humans being aware their survival does not depend on the mating aspect; it depends on everyone realizing we are all humans dependent on the actions of others.

If I were to suddenly be 14 years old and know what I know now, my life would be different. I would learn how to support myself. I would put the 'urge to mate' on the back burner and focus on life, the world, and how to earn a living so I would never end up dependent on anyone, ever. If we are all comfortable with who we are, we do not have to give any of that up to have a life partner when we are ready.

Know yourself, support yourself, be comfortable with yourself... life will be a lot better. And as far as the spirit energies around us? Nothing wrong with talking to them! There are times when they find a way to communicate and the more we accept their existence the more we will tune in to their energy. There is more to this Earth existence we could ever imagine. Put yourself first.. learn who you are and hum your own tune, no one can do it better than you.

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