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Life Stories by StarzAstroWand - "Everything's Connected"

Aug 16, 2019

Everything's Connected

The phone call was just a little bit unusual at the restaurant. The community was a long term, close knit place where most everyone knew someone who knew you, but everyone also minded their own business unless someone needed something. The blunt truth was always spoken. Not sure how to describe that. I mean, the town was growing but the people who were populating it were somehow just like the people who started it. The word 'related' is at the top of the list. Like one day one of the waitresses came over to me and said "I think you are related to that man at the counter." I leaned on the counter and talked to the man. He was the son of the daughter of my Grandmother's sister's daughter. I don't know what title to put on it, but.. I am pretty sure that description would fit most people in the town.

My Great Grandfather from Germany took the U.S government up on a homestead agreement around the turn of the century and moved his whole family to the boonies of Oregon where they literally dug out a living on the river flowing, rocky, forested foot hills of the Siskiyou Mountains. In order to survive no one could minced words. Every request and every answer was a blunt fact so there was no guesswork. I guess that describes 'blunt truth'. I have used it my entire life. But also discovered there is a degree of use for us to all discover.

So, when I got the call the man on the phone gave me the name of the man he wanted to talk to and said he knew Bob Smith was a regular of our place. He described Bob and I told him I thought I knew who he was talking about and would keep an eye out for him.

Later that day a man walked in and, as is the case when a person walks in to a 'wait to be seated business' obediently stood up front near the check out counter. I walked over and said hello, then asked him: "What's your name?"

He looked at me a little defensive and said: "Richard!"

Well, it wasn't the Bob I was looking for so I nodded, folded my hands behind my back, looked at the floor and said: "That's a nice name."

"Yes", he answered, "My mother thought so!"

"As well she should," I answered, still standing next to him with arms folded behind me like I was talking to a friend. After all I grew up realizing I was related to just about anyone so no one was a stranger to me. Richard didn't seem to understand that.

"So is my name good enough to get a table!?" he snarled.

"OH! You want to eat!?" I said. "That's wonderful!"

"Why the hell do you think I came in here!" he demanded.

"I don't know" I shrugged, "I got a phone call for a Bob and thought you were him!"

"Well I'm not! Do I still get to eat?" he snorted.

"I guess so not-Bob," I grinned, " but I might have to put you over in the dark corner."

We bantered back and forth as we walked to a nice table and I got him all settled in. He had caught on to all of it right from the start but was like all of the rest of us from that tight-knit place... He just settled in and enjoyed the moment.

Don't ever forget... We are all related to each other in some way. Think about that. You always make a difference to someone... always. BTW, I never did find 'Bob'...But enjoyed getting to meet Richard who brought in new people to laugh about our name session. See... it all counts. All of it. Always :)

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Image: 133466182 Date: Nov 30, 2018

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